mid-week apologetics booster (3-11-2021)

Good morning friends,

Here is a random quote (of over 1900) from Nuggets:

The belief that all religions are harmful to society because some are is akin to believing that I shouldn’t eat any fruits because some are poisonous. – Forest Antemesaris

To view more of these quotes, visit:


Now, here are your weekly links:

  1. How to Engage in Spiritual Conversations | Mikel Del Rosario | Your Apologetics Guy: http://apologeticsguy.com/2020/08/spiritual-conversations/
  2. Christians Must Care Less about Our Cultural Reputation| Natasha Crain: https://natashacrain.com/christians-must-care-less-about-our-cultural-reputation/
  3. Reasonable Faith – Who Really Cares? Dr. Craig examines an atheist’s contention that Christians act irresponsibly due to their view of end times.: https://www.reasonablefaith.org/media/reasonable-faith-podcast/end-times-paralysis/
  4. Claims of an Indian Guru | Reasonable Faith: https://www.reasonablefaith.org/writings/question-answer/claims-of-an-indian-guru
  5. What is the evidence that Peter was crucified upside down in Rome? Evidence for Christianity: https://evidenceforchristianity.org/what-is-the-evidence-that-peter-was-crucified-upside-down-in-rome/
  6. Was Peter Crucified Upside Down? | Sean McDowell : https://seanmcdowell.org/blog/was-peter-crucified-upside-down
  7. William Lane Craig explains how Christianity explains evil and suffering | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2021/03/07/william-lane-craig-explains-how-christianity-explains-evil-and-suffering-4/
  8. When God Abandons a Nation (Romans 1:18-32) – video sermon by John MacArthur in 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz8AA_Oa0EU
  9. Resolving 40 Bible Contradictions from Jesus Final Week to His Ascension | The Domain for Truth: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2020/04/09/resolving-40-bible-contradictions-from-jesus-final-week-to-his-ascension/
  10. If It’s a Human at a Crime Scene, It’s a Human in the Womb | Cold Case Christianity: http://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/if-its-a-human-at-a-crime-scene-its-a-human-in-the-womb/
  11. Quick Challenge Answer: Did Paul Hallucinate The Risen Jesus? –: https://tentmakingchristianity.com/did-paul-hallucinate-the-risen-jesus-2/
  12. The War on Christianity Returns as the House Passes The Equality Act | Kingsjester’s Blog – The wide-reaching Equality Act championed by Democrats would put the hiring practices of faith-based organizations in jeopardy and will create additional religious freedom concerns for Christian schools, churches and ministries, a prominent legal nonprofit argues: https://kingsjester.wordpress.com/2021/03/07/the-war-on-christianity-returns-as-the-house-passes-the-equality-act/
  13. A Singularly Christian View of the Transgender Problem – Daily Citizen: https://dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.com/a-singularly-christian-view-of-the-transgender-problem/

Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth. John 17:17

Blessings to you all

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