mid-week apologetics booster (1-25-2024)

Good morning friends,

Here is a random quote (of over 2700) from Nuggets:

Parents need to prepare their kids for the college years or just the post-high school years. There will be skeptics that will get in their faces and ask them questions they have never heard before, challenging their faith. Unsurprisingly, they’ll return home after the first or second semester declaring, “Mom and dad, I don’t believe in God anymore.” What’s worse is that some of their “challengers” will be their own professors, since sixty percent of secular university professors are atheists.  Here’s the irony; parents send their kids to college to learn about truths. Those same professors will be the ones telling your kids, “There is no truth,” and parents are paying for that! – Claudia Kalmikov

To view more of these quotes, visit:


Now, here are your weekly links:

  1. How Do I Know I’m a Christian? Short clip from John MacArthur: https://www.facebook.com/reel/218169414693852
  2. How to Evangelize Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses – Cross Examined: https://crossexamined.subspla.sh/ph875x7
  3. Did Pope Francis Authorize Priests to Bless Same-Sex Couples? – Christian Research Institute – “Orthodox Christians at this point will search the document looking for explicit exhortation that the couple repent and cease their sexual union, but no such exhortation exists.” “At the same time, almost the entirety of Africa and much of Eastern Europe has instructed their clergy and diocese not to implement these blessings.” “Lest you read FS and wonder whether it is really the case that same-sex couples in a sexual relationship might receive the blessing of the Church, your eyes are not deceiving you. “Notice that not only sinful persons are blessed here,” writes Cardinal Mueller, ‘but that by blessing the couple, it is the sinful relationship itself that is blessed.'”: https://www.equip.org/articles/did-pope-francis-authorize-priests-to-bless-same-sex-couples/
  4. What criteria do historians use to get to the minimal facts about the historical Jesus? | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/01/20/what-criteria-do-historians-use-to-get-to-the-minimal-facts-about-the-historical-jesus-15/
  5. What is replacement theology / supersessionism / fulfillment theology? | GotQuestions.org: https://www.gotquestions.org/replacement-theology.html
  6. How the Cosmological Evidence Points to the Existence of God (Video) | Cold Case Christianity: https://coldcasechristianity.com/videos/how-the-cosmological-evidence-points-to-the-existence-of-god-video/
  7. Are there Guidelines for doing Apologetics? | carm.org: https://carm.org/defending-the-faith/are-there-guidelines-for-doing-apologetics/
  8. A Christian Rebuttal to Kaimatai, an Atheist – Christian Apologist – “I came upon the timeline of an atheist who calls himself Kaimatai on Twitter where I found a link to a blog he had created entitled “Ten reasons why I’m not a Christian.” The intention of this blog is to write a rebuttal to his ten reasons.”: https://christian-apologist.com/2017/04/13/a-christian-rebuttal-to-kaimatai-an-atheist/
  9. Teaching Apologetics to the Next Generation – Christian Research Institute (article from Sean McDowell): https://www.equip.org/articles/teaching-apologetics-next-generation/
  10. How Can We Be Pro-Life and Pro-Death Penalty at the Same Time? | Cold Case Christianity: https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/how-can-we-be-pro-life-and-pro-death-penalty-at-the-same-time/
  11. 5 Regrets You Don’t Want to Have If Your Kids Walk Away from Faith: https://natashacrain.com/5-regrets-you-dont-want-to-have-if-your-kids-walk-away-from-faith/
  12. The Trinity is Not A Problem, It’s A Solution | Cold Case Christianity – Some would say that the Bible presents an irreconcilable dilemma. Both the New and Old Testament declare that there is only one God. Verses like Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Isaiah 43:10, James 2:19, 1 Corinthians 8:4, 6 and 1 Timothy 2:5-6 make it rather clear; the writers of Jewish and Christian scripture proclaimed the existence of a single, solitary God. While this is the consistent message of the Bible, another thorny truth is also proclaimed: the Bible teaches that God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are all God: https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/the-trinity-is-not-a-problem-its-a-solution/
  13. You might wish to ignore the great trans social experiment on our kids, but it’s not ignoring you – LifeSite: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/you-might-wish-to-ignore-the-great-trans-social-experiment-on-our-kids-but-its-not-ignoring-you/
  14. A Sober Warning from the Earliest Christians | Tim Challies – The unifying principle that has risen to the top is tolerance-a new kind of tolerance centered around modern sexual ethics and mores. Where tolerance once called for respect despite disagreement, today it calls for far more. We are considered tolerant only when we advocate and celebrate new understandings of marriage, sexuality, and gender. Those who refuse to celebrate what they believe God forbids are seen as disloyal to the unifying principle of society. They are seen to be hindering rather than helping the strength and growth of this great new “empire.” People today are perfectly willing to tolerate the Christian faith as long as it doesn’t disrupt the unifying principle of tolerance. Christians in the early church were welcome to continue to worship Jesus, to sing their songs, and to preach their Scriptures, as long as they added just that one tiny nod to the Emperor. Likewise, we are free to continue to worship Jesus, to sing our songs, and to preach our Scriptures, as long as we accept these new definitions of marriage, gender, and so on…Those first Christians knew better and bore the consequences. We, too, know better, and may be forced to bear consequences.: https://www.challies.com/articles/a-warning-from-the-earliest-christians/
  15. Astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez lectures on intelligent design and habitability | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2020/01/05/astronomer-guillermo-gonzalez-lectures-on-intelligent-design-and-habitability-6/
  16. How Not to Teach Your Kids the Bible – JOHN WELLS – Though cheap gospel substitutes take many forms, they often revolve around misinterpreting narratives in four ways: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/how-not-to-teach-your-kids-the-bible/
  17. I Only Believe in What I Can See! | Whattaya Do? – New York Apologetics: https://www.newyorkapologetics.com/i-only-believe-in-what-i-can-see-whattaya-do/
  18. If God Exists, Why Does He Allow Evil? 48 minute video lecture | Watermark Community Church – Frank Turek joins us for part of the Apologetics series and builds the case that the existence of evil in the world does not disprove the existence of God but rather reinforces it.: https://www.watermark.org/message/2231-if-god-exists-why-does-he-allow-evil
  19. Ben Affleck opens up about becoming a Christian later in life, finds beauty in Jesus’ message | Entertainment News: https://www.christianpost.com/news/ben-affleck-opens-up-about-becoming-a-christian-later-in-life-finds-beauty-in-jesus-message-235551/
  20. How to Overcome and Prevent Sexual Sins – Seeing God’s Breath – Good reminders…: https://godsbreath.net/2008/04/03/how-to-prevent-and-overcome-sexual-sins/
  21. Irreducible Complexity | Biblical Science Institute – One of the many scientific lines of evidence against neo-Darwinian evolution involves the concept of irreducible complexity. Microbes, plants, fungi, animals, and human beings all have bodies that are composed of extremely complex microscopic machinery. The different parts of a biological cell are interdependent. That is, each part of the cell depends on all the other parts of the cell in order to function properly. Remove any one essential part, and the cell dies. Hence, the cell is not just complex; it is irreducibly complex. That is, it cannot be reduced to a simpler functioning cell by removing any essential component. Yet, neo-Darwinian evolution requires that all life came about from simpler forms, with new components added over the course of time by mutations. Hence, neo-Darwinian evolution is incompatible with irreducible complexity.: https://biblicalscienceinstitute.com/origins/irreducible-complexity/
  22. Study: the early Earth’s atmosphere contained oxygen | WINTERY KNIGHT – So here’s where we stand. If you are a materialist, then you need a reducing environment on the early Earth in order to get organic building blocks (amino acids) from inorganic materials. However, the production of these organic building blocks (amino acids) requires that the early Earth atmosphere be oxygen-free. And the problem with this new research, which confirms previous research, is that the early Earth contained huge amounts of oxygen – the same amount of oxygen as we have today. This is lethal to naturalistic scenarios for creating the building blocks of life on the Earth’s surface: https://winteryknight.com/2014/04/28/study-the-early-earths-atmosphere-contained-oxygen/
  23. Frank Turek lectures on the case against same-sex marriage | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2023/02/05/frank-turek-lectures-on-the-case-against-same-sex-marriage-7/
  24. Hell Interrupted – Part 1 – there was more unanimity in the ancient church on Hell’s eternal torment than there was on Trinitarianism… …To sharpen the point, 24 verses into chapter 26 Jesus makes a dark appraisal of the fate of His betrayer: “It would have been good for that man if he had not been born” (Matt. 26:24). How does Jesus’ comment square with annihilationism? If Judas had not been born, then he would not exist. If he were annihilated in judgment, then he would not exist. The last condition would be the same as the first. How could the first be “good,” then, by comparison? No, nonexistence can only be good compared to the everlasting torment of eternal judgment.: https://www.str.org/w/hell-interrupted-part-1

When he was accused by the chief priests and the elders, he gave no answer. Then Pilate asked him, “Don’t you hear the testimony they are bringing against you?” But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge–to the great amazement of the governor. Matthew 27:12-14

Blessings to you all

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