mid-week apologetics booster (1-28-2016)

Good afternoon all,

Here are your weekly links:

  1. Jesus used Apologetics. So should we. – Southern by His Grace: http://southernbyhisgrace.com/jesus-used-apologetics-so-should-we/
  2. Videos of the Bahnsen Conference 2015 | The Domain for Truth: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2016/01/21/videos-of-the-bahnsen-conference-2015/
  3. Is the Old Testament Reliable? | Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/is-the-bible-true/is-the-old-testament-reliable/
  4. Left for College a Christian, Returned an Atheist | womantowomanmentoring.com: http://womantowomanmentoring.com/2016/01/left-for-college-a-christian-returned-an-atheist/
  5. An atheist argues for disbelief – CMI Mobile: http://creation.mobi/a/10521
  6. An apologetic of the ordinary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_xaa52PoSU
  7. net – Global Warming and Carbon Dioxide: http://www.afa.net/the-stand/apologetics/2015/12/global-warming-and-carbon-dioxide/
  8. Great response at the 2016 Creation SuperCamp – CMI Mobile: http://creation.mobi/a/10594
  9. Were the gospel writers present during the time of Jesus? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUpXpwoGlfI&feature=youtu.be
  10. Youth Conference (all welcome) Topic “Presenting and Defending the Gospel”, “Why Science Supports Creation” 2/20/16 (Foothills Baptist – Ahwatukee): http://www.creationtraining.org/schedule/?event_id1=55
  11. John Lennox -Arizona State University Has Science Buried God? February 25, 2016, 7:30 – 9pm – https://t.co/qvOETJ5hYy
  12. Does The Punishment Fit The Crime When It Comes To Hell? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-zvdKF1kFU&feature=youtu.be
  13. Logic Is Bedrock: http://crossexamined.org/logic-is-bedrock/

Far be it from you to do such a thing –to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25).

mid-week apologetics booster (1-21-2016)

Good fellow citizens and members of God’s household!

I hope this morning finds you securely in His grip (John 10:28-29).  Here are some link so assist you in living out the instructions of Paul to Timothy:

Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. (2 Timothy 2:23-26)

  1. The Self-Refuting Nature of Naturalism: http://freethinkingministries.com/the-self-refuting-nature-of-naturalism/
  2. Dead Silence: Must The Bible Say Abortion Is Wrong Before We Can Know It’s Wrong? https://www.equip.org/article/dead-silence-must-the-bible-say-abortion-is-wrong-before-we-can-know-its-wrong/
  3. Can Scientists Trust Their Brains If Atheism is True? | Saints and Sceptics: http://www.saintsandsceptics.org/can-scientists-trust-their-brains-if-atheism-is-true/
  4. The Gospel for Roman Catholics | Part One on Roman Catholicism and Justification | Part Two Presents the True Gospel: https://carm.org/gospel-roman-catholics
  5. Correct, Not Politically Correct: How Gay Marriage Hurts Everyone | Frank Turek, PhD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3YmHAIgVfg
  6. Tim Gamble: Freedom of Worship vs. Freedom of Religion: http://www.timgamble.com/2015/06/freedom-of-worship-vs-freedom-of.html?m=1
  7. The Uses and Conditional Necessity of Apologetics (WLC) – Philosophy, Theology, History, Science, Big Questions: http://www.apologeticsinthechurch.com/apologetics-who-needs-it/the-uses-and-conditional-necessity-of-apologetics-wlc
  8. How Does God Foreknow Free Choices? | Reasonable Faith: http://www.reasonablefaith.org/how-does-god-foreknow-free-choices
  9. Christianity Promotes Rational (and Evidential) Exploration: http://crossexamined.org/christianity-promotes-rational-and-evidential-exploration/
  10. Frank Turek to Atheist- Why God Sends People to Hell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kHGg9-gI40
  11. Scriptural Inerrancy and the Apologetic Task | Reasonable Faith: http://www.reasonablefaith.org/scriptural-inerrancy-and-the-apologetic-task
  12. Four Problems in Atheist/Theist Discussions: https://chab123.wordpress.com/2015/02/14/four-problems-in-atheisttheist-discussions-2/
  13. Funsized Fallacies: Appeals to Ignorance – A Clear Lens: http://clearlens.org/2015/05/16/funsized-fallacies-appeals-to-ignorance/
  14. Come Reason’s Apologetics Notes: Christianity is a Thinking-Man’s Faith: http://apologetics-notes.comereason.org/2014/11/christianity-is-thinking-mans-faith.html
  15. Why faith makes sense: Developing a Christian mind – Alister McGrath: https://youtu.be/mIEKVDjlfJA
  16. The Campaign to Embarrass Christians into Accepting Darwinism – Christian Research Institute: http://www.equip.org/article/campaign-embarrass-christians-accepting-darwinism/
  17. The Immune System: An Army Inside You – Evolution News & Views: http://www.evolutionnews.org/2016/01/the_immune_syst102351.html
  18. The God Delusion – Christian Research Institute: http://www.equip.org/article/the-god-delusion/
  19. How Can We Stand on Scripture in an Evolution-Pushing Culture? | Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/theistic-evolution/god-and-evolution/how-can-we-stand-on-scripture-in-an-evolution-pushing-culture/

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. (Matt. 19:29)

Blessings to you all!

Apologetics Class Jan 17th 2016

Hi All,

We had the last session on the Ambassador’s Guide to Pluralism Sunday.  We finished up the booklet!  At the beginning of the class, we watched 2 videos:

Joel Osteen Says Jesus Christ is Not the Only Way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwL1DThtxYg

How do you know that Christianity is the one true worldview? (Ravi Zacharias): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWY-6xBA0Pk

Here are the questions that drove our discussion after the reading:

From Wide to Narrow?

  1. (pg. 19) Does God owe any rebel a pardon?
  2. (pg. 19 – bottom) Explain the “source”, “ground” and “means” of salvation as God’s redemptive history unfolded through the Old and New Testaments.
  3. (pg. 20) Explain how Adam, Abraham and the other Old Testament saints trusted in God, thereby receiving salvation by faith alone.
  4. (pg. 21) What point is so critical that “it is repeated in various ways no less than 16 times in the New Testament (John 5:23b; 5:37-38; 8:19; 8:42a; 12:48-50; 14:7; 15:20b-21; 15:23; 16:2-3; 1 John 2:22-23; 4:2-3; 4:15; 5:1; 5:9-12; 2 John 1:7-9a)?

The God-Fearing Gentile

  1. (pg. 22-23) Why did Cornelius, “a righteous and God-fearing man” whose “prayers and alms had ascended as a memorial before God”, need to hear the rest of the story – the specifics about Christ and the cross?  Why go through all this detail?
  2. (pg. 24) If the clear testimony of the Apostles and the ancients gave “little hope for the salvation of those who, since the time of Christ, have had no chance of hearing the gospel”, what good reason do we have to abandon their message in the modern era?

Paschal Redux

  1. (pg. 24) What is Pascal’s wager?  Explain it.  How can the same “wager” be applied to the doctrine of inclusivism?
  2. (pg. 25) How is the preaching of inclusivism giving “false hope to the lost”?

Next weekend we start a new series where we will examine one question or objection per week about the Christian faith.  This first week’s question is:

“Is the Bible Divine Rather than Simply Human in Origin?”

mid-week apologetics booster (1-14-2016)

Good morning all,

Here’s a bunch of stuff that may help you “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3):

  1. Short video where Dr. @Frank_Turek shares evidence that the New Testament was written early: https://t.co/8TmRF4xLUY
  2. Reasons To Believe : Can Science Identify the Intelligent Designer? http://www.reasons.org/articles/can-science-identify-the-intelligent-designer
  3. Short Answers to Big Questions: http://www.rzim.ca/events/sabq/
  4. Is the Gospel of Thomas as Reliable as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? http://truthbomb.blogspot.com/2016/01/is-gospel-of-thomas-as-reliable-as.html
  5. The case of the ex-Christian Jihadi bride shows that apologetics matters: http://www.premierchristianity.com/Blog/The-case-of-the-ex-Christian-Jihadi-bride-shows-that-apologetics-matters
  6. With Gentleness and Respect: http://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/gentleness-and-respect/
  7. Take atheism for a test drive! The misperception that atheism is based upon logic, and that Christianity is based upon blind faith, is the result of a deceptive definition of faith. Specifically, atheists frequently portray Christian faith as blind faith: http://godevidence.com/2016/01/test-drive/
  8. The Church Is an Embassy, Not a Social Club: http://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-church-is-an-embassy-not-a-social-club
  9. What is Sikhism? http://www.gotquestions.org/Sikhism.html
  10. Earth’s Magnetic Field | The Institute for Creation Research: http://www.icr.org/article/earths-magnetic-field/
  11. Does Your Dog Understand You Because You Share an Ancestral Bond? | Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/animal-behavior/intelligence/does-your-dog-understand-you-because-you-share-an-ancestral-bond/
  12. Is Your Church Raising an Army of Skeptics? http://www.becauseitstrue.com/blogarticles/is-your-church-raising-an-army-of-skeptics
  13. The Strange Case of Julian “The Apostate”: https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/876-strange-case-of-julian-the-apostate-the
  14. The Holy Scriptures-Indestructible: https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/31-holy-scriptures-indestructible-the
  15. Unity of the Bible: https://answersingenesis.org/the-word-of-god/3-unity-of-the-bible/
  16. Fulfilled Prophecy | Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/is-the-bible-true/4-fulfilled-prophecy/
  17. Is the Bible Really the Word of God? http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/bibletru.html
  18. Chapter III–Inspiration of the Scriptures, Systematic Theology, Augustus Hopkins Strong, Christian Classics books at BibleStudyTools.com: http://www.biblestudytools.com/classics/strong-systematic-theology/part-iii-the-scriptures-a-revelation-from-god/chapter-iii-inspiration-of-the-scriptures.html
  19. Former Atheist Academic Who Rejected God and Believed ‘Smart People Don’t Become Christians’ Reveals What Changed Her Mind Entirely | TheBlaze.com: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/10/16/former-atheist-academic-who-rejected-god-and-believed-smart-people-dont-become-christians-reveals-what-changed-her-mind-entirely/
  20. Tough Topic Tuesday: The Problem of Evil, Pt. 8: http://truthbomb.blogspot.com/2016/01/tough-topic-tuesday-problem-of-evil-pt-8.html
  21. Reflections On Doing Apologetics On A Major College Campus: https://chab123.wordpress.com/2012/11/16/reflections-on-doing-apologetics-on-a-major-college-campus/
  22. Apologetics: Two Reasons Not to Use: http://www.timothypauljones.com/2015/01/05/apologetics-two-rotten-reasons-believe-jesus/
  23. More Sweat, Less Blood: http://clearlens.org/2014/09/27/funsized-tactics-chapter-fourteen/
  24. Do the Deaths of the Apostles Prove Anything? – Sean McDowell: http://seanmcdowell.org/blog/do-the-deaths-of-the-apostles-prove-anything
  25. Who Created God? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yY9a2SwNx4
  26. Information Enigma – Information drives the development of life. But what is the source of that information? Could it have been produced by an unguided Darwinian process? Or did it require intelligent design?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA-FcnLsF1g

In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.  Hebrews 2:10

Blessings to you all

3 Reasons the Bible is Divine Rather than Simply Human in Origin

In today’s world, the Bible is under continual attack, whether it be from the skeptical, secular humanist and academic worldviews or from other religions such as Islam, Mormonism or New Age.  Oddly enough, sometimes the Divine Authorship of the Bible is even questioned inside the church.  Since one of our central claims as Christians is that the Bible is the Word of God, we need to be prepared to defend that assertion.  It is not good enough to just say that the Bible is God’s Word because it says so, unquestioningly assuming it is true because that is written in the text of the Bible.  We have to be able to demonstrate this view as being the most reasonable inference from the evidence.
So, here I will give you 3 reasons that you can trust that the Bible is Divine rather than simply human in origin.

1. Indestructibility of the Bible

From Got Questions website:

“Because of its importance and its claim to be the very Word of God, the Bible has suffered more vicious attacks and attempts to destroy it than any other book in history. From early Roman Emperors like Diocletian, through communist dictators and on to modern-day atheists and agnostics, the Bible has withstood and outlasted all of its attackers and is still today the most widely published book in the world.”

The Christian Courier (Jackson, Wayne. “The Holy Scriptures–Indestructible.” ChristianCourier.com. Access date: January 10, 2016. https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/31-holy-scriptures-indestructible-the) records the following attempts to eradicate the Bible or portions of it:

Antiochus Epiphanes 175-164 B.C.

After the death of Alexander the Great, the Greek empire was divided into four segments (cf. Daniel 8:8), and the Jewish people fell under the control of a remarkably evil ruler whose name was Antiochus Epiphanes. Antiochus, known popularly as “the madman,” launched a bloody persecution against the Hebrew people. One aspect of his vendetta was an attempt to destroy copies of the Jewish Scriptures. An ancient document records this episode:

And [the officials of Antiochus] rent in pieces the books of the law which they found, and set them on fire. And wheresoever was found with any a book of the covenant, and if any consented to the law, the king’s sentence delivered him to death (The Apocrypha, 1 Maccabees 1:56-57).

The historian Josephus comments upon this event:

And if there were any sacred book of the law found, it was destroyed, and those [Jews] with whom they were found miserably perished also (Antiquities of the Jews 12.5.4).

The heathen plan backfired, however, for it was this very persecution that generated more intense examination of the divine writings. Out of this circumstance the genuine books of the Old Testament canon were formally separated from contemporary spurious documents that feigned inspiration (McClintock and Strong 1968, 76).

Diocletian, Roman Emperor from A.D. 284-305

Following the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead, Christianity was introduced into the Roman world. It spread like wildfire in the stifling environment of ancient paganism. Not many decades passed before Rome came to view the Christian system, with its New Testament Scriptures, as a threat to the security of the empire. And so history repeated itself. A determined effort to eradicate the Bible from antique society was initiated by the Roman ruler, Valerius Diocletian.

Diocletian occupied the imperial throne from A.D. 284-305. In A.D. 303, he inaugurated a series of merciless persecutions upon those who professed the religion of Christ. Hurst notes:

[A]ll assemblies of Christians were forbidden and churches were ordered to be torn down. Four different edicts were issued, each excelling the preceding in intensity. One edict ordered the burning of every copy of the Bible—the first instance in [Christian] history when the Scriptures were made an object of attack (1897, 175).

Julian the Apostate (Roman Emperor from A.D. 361-363)

The year he assumed Roman rule, at the age of thirty, he openly declared his hostility to the Bible (hence he became known as Julian the Apostate). Three centuries of bloodshed (prior to Julian) had not enhanced the cause of heathenism. Persecution had merely accelerated the spread of the Christian cause. Julian thus determined that he, with logical argument, would destroy the influence of the Scriptures… Now, in a period of greater tranquility, Julian would renew the assault. Shortly before his death, he wrote a bitter attack against Christianity, the only remains of which are to be found in a refutation produced by Cyril of Alexandria (ca. A.D. 432). The “Apostate” merely regurgitated the arguments of Celsus and Porphyry in a modified form, expanded somewhat by his larger acquaintance with the Bible (Schaff 1981, 75). While this literary effort was doubtlessly effective with some, a skeptical historian, Edward Gibbon (1737-1794), penned this curious remark: “[T]he Pagans . . .derived, from the popular work of their Imperial missionary [Julian], an inexhaustible supply of fallacious objections”.

Papal Opposition

The Bible has had to survive not only the persecution of its enemies, but has had to weather the opposition of its so-called “friends” as well. Though some historical revisionists attempt to exonerate the Roman Catholic system of efforts to suppress the Holy Scriptures, the plain facts are undeniable. On numerous occasions in centuries past, church authorities had committed the Bible to flames under the guise that the translation was vulgar. The Fourth Rule of the Council of Trent stated that the indiscriminate circulation of the Scriptures in the common vernacular would generate “more harm than good.” Therefore, those reading or possessing the Bible “without . . . permission may not receive absolution from their sins till they have handed [copies of the Scriptures] over to the ordinary” (Schroeder 1950, 274).

Persistent effort was made by the Romanizers to suppress the English Bible. In 1543 an act was passed forbidding absolutely the use of Tyndale’s version, and any reading of the Scriptures in assemblies without royal license (Newman 1902, 262).

Thousands of copies were burned. “Of the estimated 18,000 copies printed between 1525-1528, only two fragments are known to remain” (Thiessen 1949, 84).

Francois Marie Arouer (Voltaire)

In France, Rationalism found a champion in Francois Marie Arouer—popularly known by his pen-name, Voltaire—a deist who produced several volumes brimming with hatred for the Bible. No one in Europe did as much to destroy faith in the Word of God as Voltaire. France rejected the Scriptures, tied a copy of the Bible to the tail of a donkey, and dragged it through the streets to the city dump, where it was ceremoniously burned. But, as Coffman notes, “since that time, the government of France has fallen thirty-five times” (1968, 343-344). Voltaire predicted that within a hundred years of his death (1778) Christianity would be swept from existence and pass into history (Collett n.d., 63), yet two centuries have come and gone, and today, rare is the person who owns a copy of Voltaire’s writings, while almost every home is adorned with a Bible.

Thomas Paine

In America, the battle against the Bible was led by men like Thomas Paine and Robert Ingersoll. Paine (1737-1809) came out of a Quaker background and gained considerable prominence as a result of his writings (e.g., Common Sense) advocating America’s independence from Britain. Eventually he went to France. There he yielded to the influence of French deism, and so composed his infamous tome, The Age of Reason, which was a passionate attack against the Bible. His qualification for such a task may be illustrated by the following admission. In discussing a passage in the book of Job, Paine says: “I recollect not enough of the passages in Job to insert them correctly . . . for I keep no Bible” (n.d., 33). Again: “[When] I began the former part of The Age of Reason, I had, besides, neither Bible nor Testament to refer to, though I was writing against both” (Ibid., 71). So much for scholarship. Paine died a bitter and lonely old man, having lost most of his friends due to his political views and his hostility towards Christianity (Cross 1958, 1005). His trifling little volume is mostly ignored today. In this writer’s city (Stockton, California), of more than a quarter-of-a-million people, the public library’s only copy of The Age of Reason has been checked out sixteen times in the past ten years!

2. Continuity of the Message of the Bible

Despite the geographic, cultural, lingual and historical separation of its human authors, amazingly, the Bible has a unity and continuity of its message throughout.  This is evidence of the Bible’s Divine origin.

From Got Questions web site:

“One of the first internal evidences that the Bible is truly God’s Word is seen in its unity. Even though it is really sixty-six individual books, written on three continents, in three different languages, over a period of approximately 1500 years, by more than 40 authors who came from many walks of life, the Bible remains one unified book from beginning to end without contradiction. This unity is unique from all other books and is evidence of the divine origin of the words which God moved men to record.”

From Answers in Genesis:

“Among all the books ever written, the Bible is absolutely unique. Actually, it is not just a book—it’s 66 books. And one of its most remarkable qualities is the complete unity of the overall message despite having so many different authors writing over many centuries on hundreds of controversial subjects. Natural explanations fail to account for the supernatural character and origin of Scripture… Shepherds, kings, scholars, fishermen, prophets, a military general, a cupbearer, and a priest all penned portions of Scripture. They had different immediate purposes for writing, whether recording history, giving spiritual and moral instruction, or pronouncing judgment. They composed their works from palaces, prisons, the wilderness, and places of exile while writing history, laws, poetry, prophecy, and proverbs. In the process they laid bare their personal emotions, expressing anger, frustration, joy, and love.  Yet despite this marvelous array of topics and goals, the Bible displays a flawless internal consistency. It never contradicts itself or its common theme.”

3. Fulfilled of Prophecy in the Bible

From Answers In Genesis:

“Biblical prophecy is different from all other predictions. With incredible detail, forthright clarity, and impeccable accuracy, the Bible has consistently unveiled the future for centuries. Critics of the Bible, for instance, have squirmed over the prophetic insights of Daniel, the sixth-century BC Jewish prophet in Babylon. With eye-opening precision, Daniel interpreted two sets of dreams, one by a pagan ruler (chapter 2) and the other by the prophet himself (chapter 7), thereby forecasting the entire course of Middle East history over the next five centuries. Daniel describes the exact ebb and flow of four empires from Babylon to Medo-Persia to Greece to Rome. He even foresaw the meteoric rise to power of the Greek conqueror Alexander the Great, as well as the final division of his Greek empire by four of his surviving generals (Daniel 7:6, 8:5–8, 11:2–4).  Desperate to counter the implications of this prophetic phenomenon, nineteenth-century skeptics concocted dating schemes that placed the time of Daniel’s writing after the events. Careful research by modern textual scholars, however, has validated the early origin of this prophecy, establishing Daniel as the authentic author.1 Daniel’s prophecy is a genuine ‘Wow,’ which clearly gives evidence of the Bible’s divine nature.”

From the God and Science website:


85 Fulfilled Prophecies of Jesus of Nazareth as Messiah
# Prophetic Scripture Subject Fulfilled
1 Genesis 3:15 seed of a woman Galatians 4:4
2 Genesis 12:3, Genesis 22:18 descendant of Abraham Matthew 1:1, Acts 3:25
3 Genesis 17:19, Genesis 21:12 descendant of Isaac Luke 3:34, Luke 3:23-24
4 Genesis 28:14, Numbers 24:17 descendant of Jacob Matthew 1:2, Luke 3:23-24
5 Genesis 49:10 from the tribe of Judah Luke 3:23-24, Luke 3:33
6 Isaiah 9:6, 11:1-5, Jeremiah 23:5-6 descendant of David Matthew 1:1, Luke 3:23-24
7 Isaiah 11:1 descendant of Jesse Luke 3:23-24
8 Ezekiel 37:24 will shepherd His people Matthew 2:6
9 Isaiah 9:7 heir to the throne of David Luke 1:32-33
10 Micah 5:2 His pre-existence Colossians 1:17
11 Isaiah 9:6, Micah 5:1 eternal existence John 8:58, 11, 14, Ephesians 1:3-14, Colossians 1:15-19
12 Psalm 45:6-7, Psalm 102:25-27 anointed and eternal Hebrews 1:8-12
13 Psalm 110:1 called Lord Matthew 22:43-45
14 Isaiah 33:22 judge John 5:30
15 Psalm 2:6 king Matthew 27:37
16 Micah 5:2 born in Bethlehem Matthew 2:1, Luke 2:4-5, 7
17 Daniel 9:25 time for His birth Matthew 2:1, 16, 19, Luke 2:1-2
18 Isaiah 7:14 to be born of a virgin Matthew 1:18, 24, 25, Luke 1:26-27, 30-31
19 Psalm 72:9 worshipped by shepherds Luke 2:8-15
20 Psalm 72:10 honored by great kings Matthew 2:1-11
21 Jeremiah 31:15 slaughter of children Matthew 2:16-18
22 Hosea 11:1 flight to Egypt Matthew 2:14-15
23 Isaiah 40:3-5 the way prepared Matthew 3:1,2, Luke 3:3-6
24 Malachi 3:1 preceded by a forerunner Luke 7:24, 27
25 Malachi 4:5-6 preceded by Elijah Matthew 11:13-14
26 Psalm 2:7, Proverbs 30:4 declared the Son of God Matthew 3:17, Luke 1:32
27 Isaiah 9:5-6, Jeremiah 23:5-6 God’s name applied to Him Romans 10:9, Philippians 2:9-11
28 Isaiah 11:2, 61:1, Psalm 45:8 anointment of Holy Spirit Matthew 3:16, 17, John 3:34, Acts 10:38
29 Isaiah 9:1-2 Galilean ministry Matthew 4:13-16
30 Psalm 78:2-4 speaks in parables Matthew 13:34-35
31 Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11 temple becomes a house of merchandise instead of prayer Matthew 21:13
32 Psalm 69:9 zeal of Jews for the temple instead of God John 2:17
33 Deuteronomy 18:15, 18 a prophet Matthew 21:11, Acts 3:20, 22
34 Isaiah 29:18, Isaiah 35:5-6 blind, deaf, and lame are healed by the Messiah Luke 7:22, Matthew 9:35, 11:3-5
35 Isaiah 40:11, 42:2-3, Isaiah 53:7 Messiah will be meek and mild Matthew 12:18-20, Matthew 11:29, Hebrews 4:15
36 Isaiah 53:9 Be sinless and without guile 1 Peter 2:22
37 Isaiah 42:1, Isaiah 49:1 will minister to Gentiles Matthew 12:18-21Luke 2:32
38 Isaiah 61:1-2 to bind up the brokenhearted Luke 4:18-19
39 Isaiah 53:12, Isaiah 59:16 to intercede for the people Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25
40 Isaiah 53:3, 8:14, 28:16, 63:3, Psalms 69:6, 118:22 rejected by His own people, the Jews John 1:11, 7:5,48, Luke 23:18, Acts 4:11, 1 Peter 2:6-8
41 Psalm 118:22 Be rejected by the Jewish leadership Matthew 21:42, John 7:48
42 Psalm 2:1-2 plotted against by Jews and Gentiles alike Acts 4:27
43 Psalm 110:4 priest after the order of Melchizedek Hebrews 5:5-6
44 Zechariah 9:9 enter Jerusalem on donkey Mark 11:7, 9, 11, Luke 19:35-37
45 Haggai 2:7-9, Malachi 3:1 entered the temple with authority Matthew 21:12, Luke 2:27-38
46 Psalm 8:2 adored by infants Matthew 21:15-16
47 Isaiah 53:1 not believed John 12:37-38
48 Zechariah 13:7 sheep of the Shepherd scattered Matthew 26:31, Mark 14:50
49 Psalm 41:9, 55:13-15 betrayed by a close friend Matthew 10:4, Luke 22:47-48
50 Zechariah 11:12 betrayed for thirty pieces of silver Matthew 26:14-15
51 Zechariah 11:13 betrayal money used to buy Potter’s field Matthew 27:6-7
52 Psalm 35:11 accused by false witnesses Mark 14:57-58
53 Isaiah 53:7 silent to accusations Matthew 27:12, Mark 15:4-5
54 Isaiah 50:6 spat on Matthew 26:67, 27:30
55 Isaiah 50:6 beaten Matthew 26:67, 27:26, 30
56 Micah 4:14 struck on cheek Matthew 27:30
57 Isaiah 49:7, Psalm 35:19, Psalm 69:4 hated without reason John 7:48, 15:24-25
58 Isaiah 53:5 wounded and bruised Matthew 27:26
59 Isaiah 53:5 vicarious sacrifice John 1:29, , 3:16, Romans 5:6, 8
60 Daniel 9:24-26 cut off, but not for Himself Matthew 2:1, Luke 3:1, 23
61 Isaiah 53:12 crucified with malefactors Matthew 27:38, Mark 15:27-28
62 Zechariah 12:10, Psalm 22:16 pierced through hands and feet Luke 23:33, John 20:25-27
63 Psalm 22:7-8 sneered and mocked Matthew 27:31, Luke 23:35
64 Psalm 109:24, 25 fell under the cross Luke 23:26
65 Psalm 69:9 was reproached Romans 15:3
66 Psalm 38:11 friends stood afar off Luke 23:49
67 Psalm 109:25 people shook their heads Matthew 27:39
68 Psalm 22:17 stared upon Luke 23:35
69 Psalm 22:16, 69:21 given vinegar for His thirst Matthew 27:34, John 19:28-29
70 Psalm 109:4, Isaiah 53:12 prayer for His enemies Luke 23:34
71 Psalm 22:17-18 soldiers gambled for His clothing Matthew 27:35-36, John 19:23, 24
72 Psalm 22:1 forsaken by God Matthew 27:46
73 Psalm 31:5 committed Himself to God Luke 23:46
74 Exodus 12:46, Psalm 34:20 no bones broken John 19:32, 33, 36
75 Psalm 22:14 heart broken John 19:34
76 Zechariah 12:10 His side pierced John 19:34
77 Amos 8:9 darkness over the land Matthew 27:45
78 Isaiah 53:9 buried with the rich Matthew 27:57-60
79 Psalm 3:5, 16:10, 49:15 to be resurrected Mark 16:6-7, Acts 2:31
80 Isaiah 44:3, Joel 2:28 sent the Holy Spirit John 20:22, Acts 2:16-17
81 Isaiah 55:3-4, Jeremiah 31:31 establishes a new covenant Matthew 26:28, Luke 22:20, Hebrews 8:6-10
82 Psalm 68:18, Psalm 110:1 His ascension to God’s right hand Mark 16:19, Acts 1:9, 1 Corinthians 15:4, Ephesians 4:8, Hebrews 1:3
83 Psalm 29:11, Micah 4:3 peace proclaimed by disciples Luke 2:14, John 14:27, Acts 10:36
84 Isaiah 60:3 “Light” to Gentiles Acts 13:47,48
85 Isaiah 11:10, 42:1, 49:1-12 the Gentiles will seek the Messiah Romans 11:25, 15:10

Although some of these prophecies are vague and could have been deliberately fulfilled, many are very specific:

  1. Place of birth (Micah 5:2).
  2. Date of birth (Daniel 9:25).
  3. Manner of birth (Isaiah 7:14).
  4. Manner of death (Zechariah 12:10; Psalm 22:16 prophesied before the invention of crucifixion).
  5. Piercing in side (Zechariah 12:10).
  6. Burial (Isaiah 53:9).

There are additional reasons why one could infer divine involvement in the creation and preservation of the Bible, but this sampling of 3 reason ought to give us enough data to believe that to be true beyond a reasonable doubt!


Apologetics Class (1-10-2016)

Hi All,

Very good class today.  Great discussion  We started off by watching the following 4 minute video by Greg Koukl:

That’s Just Your Opinionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_r51x10Paw

Then we read pages 18 – 22 of the Ambassador’s Guide to Pluralism.  Here are the notes we covered in the class:

Jousting With Giants / Anonymous Christians?

  1. (pg. 13-14) What is the story Emeth serving Tash, when he finally meets Aslan in the “The Last Battle” (Chronicles of Narnia)?  What relevance does that have to pluralism?
  2. (pg. 15) According to recent polls, more than half the Evangelicals in this country are comfortable confessing Jesus is t_____ Savior, but are reluctant to say Jesus is the o____ w___ for everyone else.
  3. (pg. 16) What is the difference between honoring every person as equal before God and honoring every person’s belief about God is equal before God?
  4. (pg. 17) Why do people (including Dinesh D’Souza) get confused on the issue of whether people need to believe in Jesus to be saved?

A Jealous God

  1. (pg. 18) What are some ways in the Old Testament that God was “narrow in His demands”?

I also mentioned about how this Christian friend of mine and I have started role playing through a list of the “Top 100 Questions and Objections to Christianity”.  I would recommend the same to all of you. Here is the site with all the questions and answers.

Next week we’ll finish the booklet and the following week we’ll start on the series where we examine one question or objection per week (and yes, I may draw from the above list, although I have other sources as well).

Blessings to you all

Role Playing Top 100 Questions and Objections to Christianity

The other day, me and this Christian brother of mine decided to start role playing through this list I found on-line.  We walk around the lake on a break at work (about 15 min) and I pull up these questions and objections on my phone.  We take turns handing the phone back and forth to each other, role-playing a skeptic in challenging the other person with one of the questions or objections below.  It is great practice for when we get that chance to really talk to someone!

Here are the top 100 Questions and Objections to Christianity.

1. “I’m as good as any Christian!”

2.“Mother Nature sure blew it…”

3. “I’m doing fine. I don’t need God.”

4. “I am doing the best I can and I’m sincere.”

5. “The First Commandment says, ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’ That proves He isn’t the only God!”

6. “Jesus taught hatred by saying that a Christian should ‘hate’ his father and mother.”

7. “Isn’t it blasphemous to call the Bible ‘God’s Word’ when it makes Him look so bad?”

8. “I believe I will go to heaven because I live by the Golden Rule.”

9. “God is unfair in that Hitler and a dear old lady (who never accepted Jesus) will both go to hell.”

10. “If abortion wasn’t legal, we’d have all those poor girls slipping off to see back-alley butchers. At least this way they’ll get counseling.”

11. “God made me to be a homosexual, so He doesn’t want me to change.”

12. “Aren’t there some circumstances when violating God’s Law is justified?”

13. “What if someone says they’ve never lied, stolen, lusted, blasphemed-if they deny having any sin at all?”

14. “I have broken the Ten Commandments, but I do good things for people.”

15. “You are trying to make me feel guilty by quoting the Ten Commandments.”

16. “What should I say to someone who acknowledges his sins, but says, ‘I just hope God is forgiving’?”

17. “I’ve made my peace with ‘the Man upstairs.'”

18. “What if someone says, ‘I’ve broken every one of the Ten Commandments’?”

19. “I was once a born-again Christian. Now I believe it’s all rubbish!”

20. “You shouldn’t talk about sin because Jesus didn’t condemn anyone. He was always loving and kind.”

21. “Why does the Old Testament show a God of wrath and the New Testament a God of mercy?”

22. “Jesus didn’t condemn the woman caught in the act of adultery, but condemned those who judged her. Therefore you shouldn’t judge others.”

23. “Could you be wrong in your claims about Judgment Day and hell?”

24. “Adam didn’t die the day God said he would!”

25. “Do you think that Christians are better than non-Christians?”

26. “Christianity is boring.”

27. “God made me like this. Sin is His fault!”

28. “I’ll take my chances.”

29. “I hope I’m going to heaven when I die.”

30. “Will people who have never heard the gospel go to hell because they haven’t heard about Jesus Christ?”

31. “How do I witness to someone I know?”

32. “How do I reach my neighbors with the gospel?”

33. “What should I say to someone who has lost a loved one through cancer?”

34. “Do you sin, as a Christian?”

35. “What should I say if someone asks, ‘Have you ever lusted?'”

36. “It’s intolerant to say that Jesus is the only way to God!”

37 “If God gives me some ‘sign,’ then I will believe.”

38. “I made a commitment, but nothing happened.”

39. “I will wait until I am old, then I will get right with God.”

40. “Was it Herod or his wife, Herodias, who wanted to kill John the Baptist?”

41. “Didn’t Jesus pray to the Father to prevent the crucifixion?”

42. “The Bible says ‘an eye for an eye,’ encouraging us to take the law into our own hands by avenging wrongdoing.”

43. “Did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ by a revelation from heaven (Matthew 16:17), or by his brother Andrew (John 1:41)?”

44. “God couldn’t forgive my sin.”

45. “The Bible says ‘God repented.’ Doesn’t that show He is capable of sin?”

46. “Because Jesus died on the cross, we are all forgiven of every sin.”

47. “I need to get my life cleaned up first.”

48. “Why does God allow evil?”

49. “Jesus wasn’t sinless-He became ‘angry’ when He cleared the temple.”

50. “I have been born again many times.”

51. “Is it possible that Jesus simply fainted on the cross, and revived while He was in the tomb?”

52. “The fact that there are so many versions proves that the Bible has mistakes. Which one is right?”

53. “Didn’t men write the Bible?”

54. “Christians can’t use ‘circular reasoning’ by trying to prove the Bible by quoting from the Bible!”

55. “I’ve tried to read the Bible, but I can’t understand it.”

56. “There are contradictions in the resurrection accounts. Did Christ appear first to the women or to His disciples?”

57. “The Bible calls God ‘the God of peace’ who tells men to ‘beat their swords into plowshares’ (Romans 15:33; Isaiah 2:4). It also calls Him ‘a man of war’ who says to ‘beat your plowshares into swords’ (Exodus 15:3; Joel 3:9, 10). Which is correct?”

58. “On the cross, Jesus cried, ‘My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ This proves He was a fake. God forsook Him.”

59. “When Jesus died on the cross, did the centurion say that Jesus was innocent, or that He was the Son of God?”

60. “God said He would blot out all remembrance of Amalek. The Bible itself disproves this statement by mentioning Amalek to this day.”

61. “If God is perfect, why did He make an imperfect creation?”

62. “What if I don’t feel that I have enough faith?”

63. “Did Jesus bear His own cross or not?”

64. “Doesn’t the Big Bang theory disprove the Genesis account of creation?”

65. “Where did Cain get his wife?”

66. “Adam was a mythical figure who never really lived.”

67. “How does the young-earth theory explain that we can see stars millions of light-years away? How would the light have reached us?”

68. “Where do all the races come from?”

69. “I don’t believe that God is knowable.”

70. “Who made God?”

71. “I will believe if God will appear to me.”

72. “Man is the master of his own destiny!”

73. “When you’re dead, you’re dead.”

74. “There is no absolute truth. You can’t be sure of anything!”

75. “I am too big a sinner.”

76. “Hell isn’t a place. This life is hell.”

77. “Religion has caused more wars than anything else in history.”

78. “Why is there suffering? That proves there is no ‘loving’ God.”

79. “I prefer to remain open-minded.”

80. “Why do I need a Savior?”

81. “Why are there so many different religions?”

82. “What gives you the right to judge me?”

83. “Religion is whatever you feel is right.”

84. “I tried Christianity once.”

85. “It must be possible for us to reach perfection, because the Bible tells us to be perfect.”

86. “How can you know that you are saved?”

87. “The Bible was written so that it would only look like Jesus fulfilled prophecy.”

88. “How should I witness to someone who belongs to a denomination, who I suspect isn’t trusting the Savior?”

89. “Why are there so many denominations?”

90. “How should I witness to my coworkers?”

91. “All religions are different paths to the same place.”

92. “Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus before His baptism, or not?”

93. “How can people be happy in heaven, knowing that their unsaved loved ones are suffering in hell?”

94. “I have things I need to do before I become a Christian.”

95. “Should we ever swear an oath?”

96. “I knew some Christians once and they wronged me.”

97. “How should I witness to a Jew?”

98. “The Bible says, ‘Judge not lest you be judged.’ You therefore have no right to judge me when it comes to my sins!”

99. “How can I witness to family members?”

100. “I don’t want to give up what I like doing.”

This site where I found these does post answers to the questions.

AWANA Teaching on John 14:2 & 14:6

This was the content of teaching I did last night to 3rd and 4th graders on John 14:1-6.  This passage includes 2 verses they all have to memorize (John 14:2 and John 14:6) and they are ones I always get questions on:

It was well received by the kids and the Gospel was proclaimed.  They were challenged to consider whether they had received the forgiveness available in Jesus and if not, to talk to a leader about it!

mid-week apologetics booster (1-7-2016)

Hi All,

I hope you are enjoying this new year and the unusual rain we’re having here in the desert!  Here are some links for you to peruse, read and watch:

  1. An Apology for Apologetics: http://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/apology-apologetics/
  2. Incredible Proof for Why You Should Have Faith in the Bible: http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2015/December/Incredible-Proof-for-Why-You-Should-Have-Faith-in-Christianity/
  3. Is Apologetics Biblical? – Apologetics Canada: http://www.apologeticscanada.com/2014/11/24/apologetics-biblical/
  4. Be Ready to Answer Your Kids’ Questions About the Bible | Desiring God: http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/be-ready-to-answer-your-kids-questions-about-the-bible
  5. 14 Ways I Teach Apologetics to My 5-Year-Olds: http://christianmomthoughts.com/14-ways-i-teach-apologetics-to-my-5-year-olds/
  6. How Early Should You Start Teaching Your Kids Apologetics? — Michael C Sherrard: http://www.michaelcsherrard.com/blog/2016/1/4/leb287pm8g5flfkb1idejc15gn8ig7
  7. Five Reasons You Can Trust Your Bible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvOsR1-YHTQ
  8. Let’s Challenge Each Other Here, So We Won’t Be Surprised Out There | Cold Case Christianity: http://coldcasechristianity.com/2014/lets-challenge-each-other-here-so-we-wont-be-surprised-out-there/
  9. There are those who wholly question the enterprise of Christian apologetics.  They assert that God will call those whom he chooses, and apologetics is just a distraction to the work of the Holy Spirit and the revelation of God… [This] idea is prima facie nonsense.  When a missionary travels to another country to proclaim the gospel, she learns the language of the people so as to communicate in terms that they understand.  Apologetics is simply the language the secular world uses to talk about God.  To say we shouldn’t practice a rational defense of the Christian faith is like saying the missionary need not study language, because the Holy Spirit can do whatever it wants… Compassion requires translation.  We must be about the work of addressing hard questions with meaningful answers.  And the cause of Christian apologetics will always be essential. —James Miller (from, Why Bother Defending an Omnipotent Being?)
  10. Come Reason’s Apologetics Notes: How to Share Your Faith Without Using Scarecrows: http://apologetics-notes.comereason.org/2014/04/how-to-share-your-faith-without-using.html?m=1
  11. Religious IQ | Atheism | J. P. Moreland, PhD (35 min video) – Is atheism a matter of reason and religion merely a matter of blind faith?  Are there any good reasons to believe God exists?  Is atheism more rational or is theism more rational?  These are just some of the questions addressed by philosopher J.P. Moreland in this talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XeuUnHuyWY
  12. Jesus: the Antidote: http://www.str.org/articles/jesus-the-antidote
  13. Six Eternal Truths to Remember Each Day: http://www.epm.org/blog/2013/Jul/14/eternal-truths
  14. Challenge Response: The Disciples Didn’t Believe Jesus Is Divine: http://str.typepad.com/weblog/2015/12/challenge-response-the-disciples-didnt-believe-jesus-is-divine.html
  15. Stephen Meyer: Darwin’s Dilemma – Where did the information come from? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CTKKrtSc8k
  16. Five Questions About Evolution that Charles Darwin Can’t Answer: https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/1579-five-questions-about-evolution-that-charles-darwin-cant-answer
  17. Apologetics for the Average Christian: Asking Good Questions | in partibus infidelium (in the land of infidels): https://apolotheo.wordpress.com/2014/11/17/apologetics-for-the-average-christian-asking-good-questions/
  18. ‘Youth Pride Day’ in Boston 2014 – Most people have no idea how depraved the state-supported “Youth Pride Day” activities are. Kids as young as middle school age mingling with adult homosexual activists and cross-dressers, being given condoms and more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9NWoAtZca8
  19. Advice for Future Apologists – In this video, seven experienced Christian apologists (Douglas Groothuis, Gary Habermas, Craig Hazen, Mike Licona, Nabeel Qureshi, Mary Jo Sharp, and Frank Turek) give advice to future apologists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI1PfG1urEA
  20. Jesus in Non-Christian Sources (Craig Blomberg) – While all Historical Jesus scholars go to the New Testament to learn about Jesus, ancient non-Christian sources report a number of facts as well. Interestingly, the facts we learn about Jesus in non-Christian sources support the Christian view of Jesus. In this video, Dr. Craig Blomberg shares the details we learn about Jesus from non-Christian sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-OtP1-NhEw
  21. Examining Jesus by the Historical Method (Part 2): http://crossexamined.org/examining-jesus-by-the-historical-method-part-2/
  22. Frank Turek – (8 min 43 second video) EPISODE 9: ELABORATE TESTIMONY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tedPG39FZPo
  23. Three Simple Strategies to Help You Become A Better Christian Case Maker | Cold Case Christianity: http://coldcasechristianity.com/2014/three-simple-strategies-to-help-you-become-a-better-christian-case-maker/
  24. 7 Slogans Christians Need To Stop Using: http://thereforegodexists.com/7-slogans-christians-need-to-stop-using/
  25. Roman Catholic Church’s Authority To Interpret Scripture Violates Scripture Catholics Are Obligated to Never Contradict the RCC: https://carm.org/catholic-authority-to-interpret-violates-scripture
  26. Cain’s Wife-Who Was She? https://answersingenesis.org/bible-characters/cain/cains-wife-who-was-she/
  27. J WARNER WALLACE: IT’S TIME FOR THE CHURCH TO RETURN TO ITS ROOTS – Most Christians have still not been exposed to Christian Case Making (apologetics) and aren’t even aware of the evidence supporting their beliefs. They’re accidental Christians. It appears most of the Church is undiscipled, at least in terms of their ability to defend what they believe. It’s time for the Church to return to its roots…to return to a form of Christian discipleship celebrating the life of the mind as the foundation for all other aspects of the Christian life. Ideas have consequences and no Christian behavior or response is possible without a rational foundation in the Scripture. When we are properly discipled, we understand the reasonable foundation for our beliefs and are ready to engage the world as Paul did in the first century. It’s time to start using the word “disciple” as a verb. —J Warner Wallace (from, The Danger of Treating the Word “Disciple” as a Noun Instead of a Verb)
  28. Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger: I Regret My Abortion, Not Having Kids: http://www.lifenews.com/2013/12/30/millionaire-matchmaker-patti-stanger-i-regret-my-abortion-not-having-kids/
  29. Genesis and Climate Change: http://www.icr.org/article/9088
  30. Faith Actually: Stop Feeling Guilty: http://faithactually.blogspot.com/2014/06/stop-feeling-guilty.html
  31. ‘Living Gears’ Might Have Evolutionists Hopping Mad | The Institute for Creation Research: http://www.icr.org/article/7711/295
  32. How Not to Argue: The Problem with Slippery Slopes: http://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/how-not-to-argue-the-problem-with-slippery-slopes
  33. Faith of the Candidates: Interview With Marco Rubio (Part 1) | The Exchange | A Blog by Ed Stetzer: http://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2015/december/faith-of-candidates-interview-with-marco-rubio-part-1.html?paging=off
  34. What You Can Teach Your Adult Children About Sin | Christian Life After Kids: http://www.christianlifeafterkids.com/2016/01/06/what-you-can-teach-your-adult-children-about-sin/

For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’  The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and “sinners.” ‘ But wisdom is proved right by her actions.  Matthew 11:18-19

Blessings to you all!

Apologetics Class 1-3-2016

Hi All,

Good class today.  We started off by watching 2 videos today:

Faith Under Fire: The Future of Faith – Gregory Koukl vs. Deepak Chopra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYyWOu_xIMo

Oprah Denies Jesus is the Only Way to Salvation & Heaven: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noO_dCWtB1E

Then we read pages 11-17 of “The Ambassador’s Guide to Pluralism”.  Here were the questions we discussed in our time together:

One Way And Many Ways

  1. (pg. 11) What is “inclusivism”?  How is it different from pluralism?
  2. (pg. 11) Inclusivism is only promoted by Christians who agree that, as the New Testament claims, Jesus is the o_____ w___  of s_________.
  3. (pg. 11) Would it be just for God to condemn people for not believing in a Jesus in whom they have never heard?  What do you think John 15:22 means?
  4. (pg. 12) What is the difference between “modest inclusivism” and “radical inclusivism”?
  5. (pg. 13) Are there people who reject Jesus “through no fault of their own” as many inclusivists claim?  What is the biblical alternative presented by Jesus in John chapter 3?

We will probably start up by going through the questions we didn’t get to today next week.

Have a great week!