mid-week apologetics booster (2-29-2024)

Good morning friends,

Happy Leap Day!  What are you going to do with your extra 24 hours? 

Here is a random quote (of over 2700) from Nuggets:

According to geneticist Michael Denton, even the smallest bacterial cell, which weighs less than a trillionth of a gram, is “a veritable microminiaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of 100 thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world.”  – Is God Just a Human Invention and Seventeen Other Questions Raised by the New Atheists

To view more of these quotes, visit:


Now, here are your weekly links:

  1. Loopholes in the evolutionary theory of the origin of life – Dr Sarfati, a Ph.D. chemist, explores some of the most-cited ‘explanations’ of biochemical evolution, and shows how they point to a Creator, not ‘time and chance’.: https://creation.com/loopholes-in-the-evolutionary-theory-of-the-origin-of-life-summary
  2. Does the Miller-Urey experiment explain how life originated on Earth? | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/02/24/does-the-miller-urey-experiment-tell-us-anything-about-how-life-originated-on-earth-3/
  3. What About God of the Gaps? | CrossExamined.org – If you present the cosmological or design arguments to skeptics at least a few times, it’s extremely likely that you’ll hear the words “That’s a ‘God of the gaps’ argument.” This objection is rooted in the idea that because a number of things throughout human history have been wrongly attributed to the supernatural activity of God or gods, we can now safely dismiss God as a cause behind anything else we observe. These previous misfires include primitive myths like lightning bolts being signs from Zeus and Thor to the universally admired Isaac Newton positing God as a mechanic to straighten out errant orbits. We later learned that lightning has to do with electrical qualities, while wobbly orbits turned out to be the result of other bodies in orbit around the sun: https://crossexamined.org/what-about-god-of-the-gaps/
  4. 3 More Logical Fallacies to Avoid (and How to Tell When Someone Else is Committing Them) – Apologetics for the Church: https://apolotheo.wordpress.com/2018/09/24/3-more-logical-fallacies-to-avoid/
  5. 4 Reasons Why Christianity is True – Discover the Compelling Evidence: https://notashamedofthegospel.com/apologetics/4-reasons-christianity-true/
  6. Twenty good arguments for Christianity: https://pjsaunders.blogspot.com/2013/01/twenty-good-arguments-for-christianity.html
  7. Young Christians are leaving the church – Here’s why – A 2018 Pew Research Center Report polled a growing group in America: “religious nones.” This group describes themselves as “nothing in particular” when asked if they identify with a specific religious group. The vast majority are ex-Christians, and most are under the age of 35. Pew asked a representative sample of these “religious nones” why they now reject any religious affiliation and provided respondents with six possible responses.: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/young-christians-are-leaving-the-church-heres-why
  8. 5 Terrible Reasons Your Kids May Think They Can Outgrow Christianity – What on Earth would lead a kid to believe Christianity is something to be outgrown? Unfortunately, I think there are a lot of reasons why this happens, and much of the time it’s rooted in either the lack of effort many parents put into discipling their kids or their lack of direction (i.e., they may be putting in effort, but not the necessary kind of effort given today’s challenges). Here are some reasons that stand out to me: https://natashacrain.com/5-terrible-reasons-your-kids-may-think-they-can-outgrow-christianity/
  9. Are all sins equally bad? Or are there degrees of severity for different sins? | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2018/09/30/are-all-sins-equally-bad-or-are-there-degrees-of-severity-for-different-sins-3/
  10. Humans: Purposely Designed – The human body is designed unlike any other creature. Our ability to communicate and understand, to feel emotions, and to think rationally shows that we are created for a purpose-to have a relationship with God.: https://answersingenesis.org/what-is-the-meaning-of-life/humans-purposely-designed/
  11. What Was the Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?: https://www.str.org/w/what-was-the-sin-of-sodom-and-gomorrah-1
  12. Episode 091: Masturbation and the Christian – Christian Research Institute – Although masturbation (solo sex) is a nearly universal behavior, it is rarely discussed in the church. However, the increasing support in the media for solo sex as a healthy activity means the church must begin to address it. The moral legitimacy of this behavior has long been debated in Christian circles. To arrive at a biblical conclusion, we need to go beyond prohibitions to consider the positive teaching on sexuality with its profound theological implications. God intends sexuality to teach us what it means to be made in His image and, more importantly, what it means to be in relationship with Him. When we understand the design of biblical sexuality, coupled with the nature of Christian discipleship, it is clear this is not a legitimate sexual activity. The central New Testament passage discussing sexuality in marriage makes clear that the focus of marital intimacy is satisfying my spouse – not my personal pleasure. In this way, our sexuality should reflect the larger call of discipleship to self-denial and love for others.: https://www.equip.org/postmodern-realities/episode-091-masturbation-and-the-christian/
  13. The Multiplexed Design of Neurons – Reasons to Believe – Researchers from Duke University have discovered that neurons employ time-division multiplexing to transmit multiple electrical signals along a single axon.1 The remarkable similarity between data transmission techniques used by neurons and telecommunication systems and computer networks is provocative. It can also be marshaled to add support to the revitalized Watchmaker argument for God’s existence and role in the origin and design of life.: https://reasons.org/explore/blogs/the-cells-design/the-multiplexed-design-of-neurons
  14. Letters to a Mormon elder : James R. White : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive – this is just a limited preview, but it gives you an idea what is in the book: https://archive.org/details/letterstomormone00whit/page/n1/mode/2up
  15. Learning from Academics Who Left Mormonism – J. Warner Wallace – I have six half-brothers and sisters who were raised in the Mormon faith. When I first become interested in Christianity, I investigated the claims of the gospels simultaneous to my investigation of the Book of Mormon. While the gospels passed the test I typically apply to eyewitnesses, the Book of Mormon did not. My journey led me to trust the Jesus of Christianity but reject the Jesus of Mormonism. As a result, I’m interested in the stories of others who have become similarly convinced Mormonism is evidentially false. That’s why a recent book, Leaving Mormonism: Why Four Scholars Changed Their Minds, caught my attention. I had the chance to interview one of it’s authors, Corey Miller, to see what motivated him to write the book.: https://crossexamined.org/learning-academics-left-mormonism/
  16. America’s Godly Heritage 1 – David Barton.flv – YouTube – Historian, Founder and President David Barton Wallbuilders, talks about Americas Godly Heritage – bulletproof George Washington and so so many inspiring lost American facts. This is just an introduction to the unbelievable forgotten information about our country. He restores your faith and hope in this great land.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pme3o0WimkU&list=PL9A8002C80FA935C5&index=2
  17. Undying Worm, Undying Men: The Eternal Horrors of Hell | Desiring God: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/undying-worm-undying-men
  18. Athanasius of Alexandria – Wikipedia – Athanasius I of Alexandria, also called Athanasius the Great, Athanasius the Confessor, or, among Coptic Christians, Athanasius the Apostolic, was a Christian theologian and the 20th patriarch of Alexandria (as Athanasius I). His intermittent episcopacy spanned 45 years (8 June 328 – 2 May 373), of which over 17 encompassed five exiles, when he was replaced on the order of four different Roman emperors. Athanasius was a Church Father, the chief proponent of Trinitarianism against Arianism, and a noted Egyptian Christian leader of the fourth century.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athanasius_of_Alexandria
  19. Should a Christian play video games? | GotQuestions.org – The question is not “Can I play video games?” but “Would video games be the best choice?” Will this edify me, show love to my neighbor, and glorify God? We are to pursue praiseworthy activities, not simply permissible ones. However He leads you, passionately follow Him above all else. Prepare for eternity. Every sacrifice will seem insignificant when we meet Jesus.: https://www.gotquestions.org/Christian-video-games.html
  20. Who Wrote The Gospel Of Luke & Acts? | Reasons for Jesus: https://reasonsforjesus.com/who-wrote-the-gospel-of-luke-acts/
  21. Can the Bible Be Reliable if It Had Human Authors?: https://www.str.org/w/can-the-bible-be-reliable-if-it-had-human-authors-
  22. Jesus, Our Substitute – Ligonier – The word vicarious is extremely important to our understanding of the atonement of Christ. The late Swiss theologian Karl Barth once said that, in his judgment, the single most important word in all of the Greek New Testament is the minuscule word huper. This little word is translated by the English phrase “in behalf of.” Barth was clearly engaging in a bit of hyperbole in making this statement, because many words in the New Testament are arguably as important or even more important than huper, but he was simply seeking to call attention to the importance of what is known in theology as the vicarious aspect of the ministry of Jesus.: https://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/jesus-our-substitute
  23. William Lane Craig Q&A: If God Knows My Decisions How Do I Have Free Will? – YouTube – If God knows my decisions before I make them, does that mean I am not making free choices? What is Divine Fatalism? What impact does God’s foreknowledge have on decision making? This is a question that Dr William Lane Craig answered during the 2013 Apologetics Canada Conference question and answer period.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7USxGUOefrg
  24. Self-Discipline Is the Gateway to Christian Maturity – Redeeming Productivity – If you want to grow as a Christian, you must learn discipline. Because self-discipline is the gateway to Christian maturity. In the next article I will talk about how we can practically cultivate self-discipline and dispel some common misunderstandings about it.: https://redeemingproductivity.com/self-discipline-is-the-gateway-to-christian-maturity/
  25. Powers of Ten (1977) – YouTube – Powers of Ten takes us on an adventure in magnitudes. Starting at a picnic by the lakeside in Chicago, this famous film transports us to the outer edges of the universe. Every ten seconds we view the starting point from ten times farther out until our own galaxy is visible only as a speck of light among many others. Returning to Earth with breathtaking speed, we move inward- into the hand of the sleeping picnicker- with ten times more magnification every ten seconds. Our journey ends inside a proton of a carbon atom within a DNA molecule in a white blood cell.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fKBhvDjuy0
  26. Ministry Presentation: Doing Outreach and Apologetics on College Campuses in Columbus, Ohio – THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM: https://chab123.wordpress.com/2024/02/28/ministry-presentation-doing-outreach-and-apologetics-on-college-campuses-in-columbus-ohio/

He went on to tell the people this parable: “A man planted a vineyard, rented it to some farmers and went away for a long time. At harvest time he sent a servant to the tenants so they would give him some of the fruit of the vineyard. But the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed. He sent another servant, but that one also they beat and treated shamefully and sent away empty-handed. He sent still a third, and they wounded him and threw him out. Then the owner of the vineyard said, ‘What shall I do? I will send my son, whom I love; perhaps they will respect him.’ But when the tenants saw him, they talked the matter over. ‘This is the heir,’ they said. ‘Let’s kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.’ So they threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. What then will the owner of the vineyard do to them? He will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others.” When the people heard this, they said, “May this never be!” Jesus looked directly at them and asked, “Then what is the meaning of that which is written:  ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone ‘? Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed.” Luke 20:9-18

Blessings to you all

mid-week apologetics booster (2-22-2024)

Good morning friends,

Here is a random quote (of over 2700) from Nuggets:

C. S. Lewis warns against chronological snobbery – the “uncritical acceptance of the intellectual climate common to our age and the assumption that whatever has gone out of date is on that count discredited.”

To view more of these quotes, visit:


Now, here are your weekly links:

  1. 10 Self-Refuting Statements You Must Know | Sean McDowell: https://seanmcdowell.org/blog/self-refuting-statements-you-must-know
  2. John Piper: Are There Two Wills in God? A Response – John Piper’s chapter, “Are There Two Wills in God?”, found on his website Desiring God, and in the book Still Sovereign: Contemporary Perspectives on Election, Foreknowledge, and Grace (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2000), seeks to “show from Scripture that the simultaneous existence of God’s will for ‘all persons to be saved’ (1 Tim. 2:4) and his will to elect unconditionally those who will actually be saved is not a sign of divine schizophrenia or exegetical confusion.” This post is a response to (not an attack on) Piper’s theory of the two wills in God: https://evangelicalarminians.org/john-piper-are-there-two-wills-in-god-a-response/
  3. Which Comes First, Faith or Regeneration? Brothers and Sisters, no matter which side of this debate you favor, I love you. We can discuss and not divide.  I’m sure you would say that you favor the “biblical” side of this debate and so do I. This article provides biblical arguments why faith precedes regeneration. You may disagree with the author’s hermeneutics, yet the arguments he makes are supported by biblical evidence. I ask you, as many of you have asked me, to consider these arguments with an open mind: https://evangelicalarminians.org/which-comes-first-faith-or-regeneration/
  4. Weak Gospel Messages Like ‘He Gets Us’ Ultimately Lead To Empty Pews: https://thefederalist.com/2024/02/15/watered-down-gospel-messages-like-he-gets-us-ultimately-lead-to-empty-pews/
  5. Christ-like Attributes of Born Again Christians – YouTube – When we got saved, God put some indelible marks upon us. 1 John 2:3-10 reveals three traits of those who are born again. In this message, Adrian Rogers reveals the birthmarks of the believer – Adrian Rogers sermon: https://youtu.be/2XkpRuwBa64?si=-Y9XIEp-Ab4uYnwa
  6. Twenty questions about the Big Bang answered in less than 20 minutes | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/02/21/twenty-questions-about-the-big-bang-answered-in-less-than-20-minutes/
  7. America’s new religion… Stop calling yourself a Christian if you don’t believe in Christ. “This counterfeit religion is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism,” stated Ms. Bratton, “a worldview that has quickly gained prominence and given many Americans a theology that looks nothing like historical Christianity, despite what they may claim.” She then goes on to cite the recent work of George Barna, whose February survey showed that Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD), or — watered-down, feel-good, fake Christianity — is the most popular worldview in the United States today. And what is MTD exactly? Mr. Barna answers: “The moralistic perspective is we’re here to be good people and to try to do good…The therapeutic aspect is everything is supposed to be geared to making me feel good about myself, ultimately to make me happy. Deism is the idea that God created the world but has no direct involvement in it. Basically, according to MTD, there is a distant God who just wants everyone to be nice, and the purpose of life is to be happy.”: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/jul/25/americas-new-religion-fake-christianity/
  8. Christians Must Get Serious If They Wish To Challenge the Godless Culture – American Thinker: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/02/christians_must_get_serious_if_they_wish_to_challenge_leftist_culture.html
  9. Hand Back the Fruit: Trusting God with the Mysteries of Evil | Desiring God: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/hand-back-the-fruit
  10. Science, farming, and faith – Ron Neller interviews agricultural systems researcher, Dr Ken Rickert: https://creation.com/science-farming-faith
  11. Gary Habermas Questions Why Atheists Believe in Alexander the Great, but Not Jesus’ Resurrection | Church & Ministries News: https://www.christianpost.com/news/gary-habermas-questions-why-atheists-believe-in-alexander-the-great-but-not-jesus-resurrection-221370/
  12. A Case for the Bible 101: Manuscript Evidence Part 7 – Were There Books Left Out? – Truth, Faith and Reason: https://truthfaithandreason.com/a-case-for-bible-101-manuscript-evidence-part-7-were-there-books-left-out/
  13. Renewing Your Mind | Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?: https://renewingyourmind.org/2021/04/13/do-christians-and-muslims-worship-the-same-god
  14. 9 Undeniable Prophecies of Jesus from the Old Testament – Christian Apologist: https://christian-apologist.com/2018/07/29/9-undeniable-prophecies-of-jesus-from-the-old-testament/
  15. Popular Atheist Blogger, Leah Libresco, Converts to Christianity. – Bishop’s Encyclopedia of Religion, Society and Philosophy: https://jamesbishopblog.com/2016/12/28/popular-atheist-blogger-leah-libresco-converts-to-christianity/
  16. What Kind of World Is Needed for Science to Work? – Reasons to Believe: https://reasons.org/explore/blogs/reflections/what-kind-of-world-is-needed-for-science-to-work
  17. What’s the Christian Debate Over the Age of the Earth? | Cold Case Christianity: https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/whats-the-christian-debate-over-the-age-of-the-earth/
  18. An Atheist Explains the True Reason Religion Terrifies Him – Intellectual Takeout: https://intellectualtakeout.org/2018/06/an-atheist-explains-the-true-reason-religion-terrifies-him/
  19. Biblical Morality Is A Necessity For Freedom, And Americans Have Known It For Centuries – Harbingers Daily: https://harbingersdaily.com/biblical-morality-is-a-necessity-for-freedom-and-americans-have-known-it-for-centuries/
  20. Creation for Kids-The Earth: “Created to be inhabited” – The planet we live on is not the biggest, but it’s the most important by far. It is amazingly well designed to support a huge variety of life: https://creation.com/cfk-the-earth
  21. Interview with Brett Kunkle – Christian Research Institute: https://www.equip.org/articles/cri-interview-brett-kunkle/
  22. Stalin’s and Khrushchev’s Anti-Religious Campaigns – Christian Apologist: https://christian-apologist.com/2017/08/03/stalins-and-khrushchevs-anti-religious-campaigns/
  23. Dinosaur Questions and Answers: https://creation.com/dinosaur-questions-and-answers
  24. PBS Eons Teaches Nonsense about Evolution | Evolution News: https://evolutionnews.org/2019/08/pbs-eons-teaches-nonsense-about-evolution/
  25. Loving God with all your mind: logic and creation: https://creation.com/loving-god-with-all-your-mind-logic-and-creation
  26. Abortion Choices – Pro-choice advocates like to frame the debate as simply a matter of ‘choice’. The argument is that a woman has a right to choose what happens to her body and how dare anyone infringe on her personal freedoms by compelling her to do something that will have a profound impact on her life? Since it is considered to be entirely a woman’s decision, men aren’t even supposed to have an opinion.: https://creation.com/abortion-choices
  27. The Christian View of Science and Faith | Explore God: https://www.exploregod.com/articles/the-christian-view-of-science-and-faith

He who belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God. John 8:47

Blessings to you all

mid-week apologetics booster (2-15-2024)

Good morning friends,

Here is a random quote (of over 2700) from Nuggets:

Evil is the absence good. We can have good without evil, but we cannot have evil without good. Dr. Frank Turek explains it by saying that if you take all the rust out of a car you have a better car, but if you take all the car out of the rust you have nothing. In the same way, evil is the privation of good. It is the mistake in something, and if gone, if you have something better. – Ryan Pauly

To view more of these quotes, visit:


Now, here are your weekly links:

  1. Christians may think they are marrying another Christian. But many are merely nominal. And after getting married, nominal evangelical men test out as the most toxic men–worse than secular men. Nominals are men who, in a survey, might check the Baptist box because of their family and cultural background, but they don’t actually attend church very often, if at all.: https://twitter.com/NancyRPearcey/status/1755302553061892344
  2. IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT THIN MINTS: GIRL SCOUTS AND PLANNED PARENTHOOD – Intercessors for America: https://ifapray.org/blog/speak-now-girl-scouts/
  3. 𝟏𝟎 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞: 1. The evidence for the resurrection of Christ is incredibly compelling, historically grounded, and well documented. 2. …¦ : https://twitter.com/darwintojesus/status/1755967872554144241
  4. What is Hell, & is it Compatible with a Loving God? Dr. William Lane Craig | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3JgsS9MyGW/
  5. Jesus wrestled us free from Satan’s grasp. We are born again, redeemed, free, and righteous in him! Greg Koukl | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3GqtJ0hsem/
  6. Are you following Jesus? Not just his commandments, but his worldview? ¦ Greg Koukl | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C28JzjVKSt8/
  7. Bad assumptions lead to bad arguments. Gain a biblical perspective on transgenderism and how to respond to transgender friends and family | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2dygdmKQTm/
  8. 5 Discouraging Trends in Global Christianity – Lifeway Research: https://research.lifeway.com/2024/02/05/5-discouraging-trends-in-global-christianity/
  9. Scott Klusendorf discusses right to life, assisted reproduction, and end of life | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/02/10/scott-klusendorf-discusses-right-to-life-assisted-reproduction-and-end-of-life-2/
  10. There’s a new small group curriculum for churches available, and you’re probably going to hear a lot about it this year because it’s both very timely and being produced and promoted by some big Christian names. It’s called The After Party, and according to its creators, it’s designed to counter the “dangerous trend” of Evangelicals having their political identity formed by “partisan forces, not by true Biblical faith.” The curriculum was developed by David French (who’s a New York Times columnist), Russell Moore (the Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today), and Curtis Chang. Natasha and Alisa did an episode on their concerns about the After Party last March when the curriculum was first announced. The reason they’re talking about it again today is that it’s now been released and it’s getting high profile promotion with churches and pastors nationwide. In fact, they’re making it available for free through the 2024 election. Tune in to today’s episode for some things you should be aware of before your church considers rolling this out.: https://blubrry.com/1470671/130794860/31-russell-moore-david-french-and-the-after-party-curriculum-why-the-church-should-be-concerned/
  11. Why Attending a Homosexual “Wedding” is Unbiblical, Part II: Implicit Endorsement of Sin and Compromise of Witness: https://disntr.com/2024/02/09/why-attending-a-homosexual-wedding-is-unbiblical-part-ii-implicit-endorsement-of-sin-and-compromise-of-witness/
  12. This One Verse Contains Six Keys to Overcoming Lust: https://livingwaters.com/this-one-verse-contains-six-keys-to-overcoming-lust/
  13. The First Thousand Years: Christendom from Pentecost to the First Millennium – Christian Research Institute: https://www.equip.org/hank-unplugged-podcast-and-shorts/the-first-thousand-years-christendom-from-pentecost-to-the-first-millennium/
  14. Are There Over 300 Messianic Prophecies? – THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM – When I was a new Christian, I read several Christian apologetic books that stated there are over 300 Messianic prophecies that are all fulfilled in Jesus. At the time I thought this was a convincing evidential apologetic for the truth claims of our faith. But as the years have gone by, I have realized this approach to Messianic prophecy is not as effective as one might think. Now please let me clarify I do think there is Messianic prophecy. Prophecy was one of the primary ways the apostles spread the faith in the first century. However, I think we need to tweak our approach. I have taught on this subject on several occasions. In my opinion, here are some helpful tips: https://chab123.wordpress.com/2024/02/11/are-there-over-300-messianic-prophecies-6/
  15. What’s the best explanation for the origin of life for atheists? | WINTERY KNIGHT – The challenge for naturalists posed by the origin of life makes it well worth your time to learn and understand. I used to explain this argument to my entire IT department on white boards when I was a young man. It’s fascinating, and more convincing than personal testimonies or abstract philosophical arguments. Although I read books on the origin of life, I learned how to present the information as an argument by watching the interviews above over and over. People sometimes ask me how I was able to survive 22 years in IT with my theism intact. It turns out that there are no shortcuts to a theistic worldview. You have to support it with evidence. You have to be able to show your work about how you reached your conclusions. I’m a theist today because I never found a single atheist in any software development job who could even begin to challenge the evidence that I collected from listening to all those lectures and debates that I started from in my early 20s. It was as easy to defeat them as taking candy from a baby. If only Christian parents and Christian leaders understood the importance of scientific facts when they talk to young people about Christianity. We need to be less worried about hurting the feelings of young people by making them “feel dumb”. Christianity isn’t supposed to be easy.: https://winteryknight.com/2024/02/11/whats-the-best-explanation-for-the-origin-of-life-for-atheists/
  16. Taylor Swift’s Dangerous Descent into Witchcraft Sorcery & Casting Spells – YouTube – Taylor Swift seemed like a sweet professing Christian pop country singer. So what happened to her? During her Eras tour as you’ll see in this video, Taylor is clearly dancing witches’ coven ceremonies during her Willow song, and she is posting about witchcraft, sorcery and casting spells. A witch school even welcomed Taylor into their tribe. Tragically though – even if Taylor genuinely doesn’t believe she’s a witch – she is glorifying witchcraft and is influencing audience members toward witchcraft. You’ll also see and hear about Taylor’s bizarre post about sorcery and the video of an airplane appearing as she sang about a plane during her Labyrinth song. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm-gVYbvsE8
  17. Are the Galapagos finch beaks evidence of Darwinian evolution? | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/02/12/are-the-galapagos-finch-beaks-evidence-of-darwinian-evolution-5/
  18. How did the apostle Peter die? | GotQuestions.org: https://www.gotquestions.org/apostle-Peter-die.html
  19. 3 Ways to Misunderstand the Trinity – Lifeway Voices: https://voices.lifeway.com/bible-theology/3-ways-to-misunderstand-the-trinity/
  20. Contend for the Faith | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at Ligonier.org | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at Ligonier.org: https://www.ligonier.org/learn/devotionals/contend-faith
  21. “The Most Reluctant Convert in all of England”: Why Former Atheist C.S. Lewis Became a Christian | Reasons for Jesus: https://reasonsforjesus.com/the-most-reluctant-convert-in-all-of-england-why-former-atheist-c-s-lewis-became-a-christian/
  22. Tacitus – Ancient Roman Historian – Reports on Jesus: https://crossexamined.org/tacitus-ancient-roman-historian-reports-on-jesus/
  23. The Most Common Objection to God’s Existence on a College Campus – THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM: https://chab123.wordpress.com/2016/09/23/the-most-common-objection-to-gods-existence-on-a-college-campus/
  24. 5 Proofs For The Existence of God | finding truth matters: https://www.findingtruthmatters.org/articles/apologetics/5-proofs-for-the-existence-of-god/
  25. Can There Be Any Meaning in a Universe without God?: https://www.str.org/w/can-there-be-any-meaning-in-a-universe-without-god-#.Woq9LajwaUk
  26. An Atheist Feminist Converts to Christianity, Nicole Cliffe. – Bishop’s Encyclopedia of Religion, Society and Philosophy: https://jamesbishopblog.com/2017/06/06/an-atheist-feminist-converts-to-christianity-nicole-cliffe/
  27. When sceptics convert: 3 former atheists walking the path of CS Lewis | Testimonies | Premier Christianity: https://www.premierchristianity.com/stories/when-sceptics-convert-3-former-atheists-walking-the-path-of-cs-lewis/224.article
  28. Parents Are Still the First Line of Defense | Cold Case Christianity: https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/parents-are-still-the-first-line-of-defense/
  29. Origin of Saint Valentine’s Day – American Minute with Bill Federer – AmericanMinute.com-William J. Federer – When Emperor Claudius demanded that Christians worship pagan idols and statues of deified Emperors, Saint Valentine refused. The name Valentine is derived from the word “valor,” which means, strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness and personal bravery. Valentine was arrested and dragged before the Prefect of Rome, who condemned him to die. While awaiting execution, he preached to guards and other prisoners. His jailer, Asterius, asked Saint Valentine to pray for his blind daughter. When she miraculously regained her sight, the jailer converted and was baptized, along with his entire family. Right before his execution, Saint Valentine wrote a note to the jailer’s daughter, encouraging her in the faith, signing it, “from your Valentine.” Saint Valentine was beaten with clubs and stones, and when that failed to kill him, he was beheaded outside the Flaminian Gate on FEBRUARY 14, 269 A.D.: https://americanminute.com/blogs/todays-american-minute/origin-of-saint-valentines-day-american-minute-with-bill-federer
  30. Lectures on science apologetics for a general audience | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/02/14/lectures-on-science-apologetics-for-a-general-audience/

and after a while his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he refused. “With me in charge,” he told her, “my master does not concern himself with anything in the house; everything he owns he has entrusted to my care. No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her. Genesis 39:7-10

Blessings to you all

mid-week apologetics booster (2-8-2024)

Good morning friends,

Here is a random quote (of over 2700) from Nuggets:

Expressing concern that Paul’s letters include little biographical information about Jesus would be like a law student complaining because the author of a case study in constitutional law failed to include a biographical sketch of James Madison. – Timothy Paul Jones

To view more of these quotes, visit:


Now, here are your weekly links:

  1. “People Do Not Come to Faith by Arguments!” 4 Objections to Apologetics – Bellator Christi: https://bellatorchristi.com/2016/08/30/people-do-not-come-to-faith-from-arguments-4-objections-to-apologetics/
  2. American Family Radio – A Response to Pastor Alistair Begg’s Comments with Tim Wildmon, Walker Wildmon, Wesley Wildmon and Ed Vitagliano: https://afr.net/podcasts/special-programs/?id=80357
  3. Anchored 2024 (Apologetics Conference) – Biola University – Since 2009, Desert Apologetics has brought apologetics events and resources to the Coachella Valley. Desert Apologetics partners with Biola University’s Apologetics Department and other organizations to bring nationally known apologists, scholars, authors, and thought leaders to our valley. This year, we have an incredible line-up featuring ALISA CHILDERS, SEAN MCDOWELL, GREG KOUKL, CLAY & JEAN E. JONES, CRAIG HAZEN, LA NEJ GARRISON, JON NOYES, ROBBY LASHUA & OTHERS! Our theme “Anchored” comes from Hebrews 6:19a: “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure”. We pray that this conference will be a time of refreshment, inspiration, encouragement, and hope!: https://www.biola.edu/events/2024/anchored
  4. What are the historical arguments for the post-mortem appearances of Jesus? | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/01/31/what-are-the-historical-arguments-for-the-post-mortem-appearances-of-jesus-5/
  5. Greg Answers Questions from an Atheist – Stand to Reason.  This is a great show as Greg dialogues back and forth in a cordial conversation with an atheist caller: https://standtoreason.subspla.sh/dvj859d
  6. Why You Can’t Get to Heaven through the Mormon Faith | The Cripplegate: https://thecripplegate.com/why-you-cant-get-to-heaven-through-the-mormon-faith/
  7. J. Warner Wallace – Joseph Smith history – YouTube.  Great podcast exploring the evidence against Joseph Smith being a prophet of God and against the Book of Mormon being from God: https://youtu.be/ZfUOFQkv69k?si=gsW6qifJ8_nXIwqr
  8. N.T. Wright lectures on the seven mutations caused by resurrection of Jesus | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/02/05/n-t-wright-lectures-on-the-seven-mutations-caused-by-resurrection-of-jesus-6/
  9. A Tough Question How could a loving God send anyone to hell?- Listen to Pastor Robert Morris Ministries with Pastor Robert Morris, Jan 29, 2024 – I don’t agree with several things the pastor says in this sermon, but in general, I think this is a question that we want to be prepared as Christian apologists to answer: https://www.oneplace.com/ministries/gateway-church/listen/a-tough-question-1143974.html
  10. Focus on the Family – Are you concerned with the number of people leaving Christianity and losing faith in the Bible? It’s no wonder that countless young people have walked away from God when our culture constantly attacks the authority and reliability of Scripture. Jesus wants you to be bold and confident in your faith, knowing that what He says about Himself in the Bible is true. That’s why we want you to have this exclusive free 6-part video series with J. Warner Wallace, renowned speaker and author of Cold Case Christianity and Person of Interest. He will equip you with the overwhelming evidence pointing to the reliability of Scripture. After watching these short videos you will experience a bold confidence in the reliability of Scripture and be equipped to encourage someone struggling to trust in Jesus. Click now to get all 6 videos free in your inbox!: https://m.facebook.com/100044600372101/posts/6992606177466045/?mibextid=RtaFA8
  11. Pilgrims in a Post-Christian Culture by Voddie Baucham: https://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/pilgrims-in-a-post-christian-culture
  12. To Be Sure….God Loves Us: WHY 1 TIMOTHY WAS WRITTEN NO LATER THAN 55 AD & WHY THAT MATTERS: https://2besure.blogspot.com/2018/10/why-1-timothy-was-written-no-later-than.html
  13. Do Atheists Believe in Just One Less God Than Christians? | Cold Case Christianity: https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/do-atheists-believe-in-just-one-less-god-than-christians/
  14. If Evolution is True, Atheism is False – If a first change occurred, then it logically follows that a first change resulted from an unchanging, eternal, and beginningless state of affairs. Think of this as a frozen/static state where nothing happens and nothing has ever happened logically prior to the first change (I know this is hard to imagine). This might not seem like a “big deal” but the implications are enormous! https://crossexamined.org/evolution-true-atheism-false/
  15. Breakpoint: Why Young People Leave the Church – According to Pew Research, four in ten Americans between the ages of 23 and 38 now say they are religiously unaffiliated. This is the biggest drop in religiosity between generations ever recorded. While part of the hemorrhaging is explained by the forty-year decline in mainline Protestant bodies, evangelicals are not off the hook. We cannot say that conservative theology, in and of itself, is enough to shrink-proof your church. Young people have left evangelical churches and are still leaving, and new data can fix some of our wrong thinking about it: https://colsoncenter.libsyn.com/why-young-people-leave-the-church
  16. Was Stalin an atheist? Is atheism or communism responsible for mass murders? | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2019/03/10/was-stalin-an-atheist-is-atheism-or-communism-responsible-for-mass-murders-5/
  17. Marvels of the Monarch | Answers in Genesis – A monarch’s development from caterpillar to adult and its incredible ability to migrate clearly display the Creator’s design.: https://answersingenesis.org/creepy-crawlies/insects/marvels-of-the-monarch/
  18. Do Your Kids Know Why They Need God?  If God exists, we need Him. All things were created through and for Him; He is the Source and sustainer of everything by definition. Therefore, if God exists, it’s not a choice to need Him, it’s simply a fact that we do.  Here’s a little experiment. Ask your kids tonight, “Why does God matter so much?” or, “Why do we need God?” Seeing how they respond can give you much insight into how they’re thinking about God at this point in their lives: https://natashacrain.com/do-your-kids-know-why-they-need-god/
  19. Paul Copan explains the problems of evil and suffering in 18 minutes | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2021/10/28/paul-copan-explains-the-problems-of-evil-and-suffering-in-18-minutes/
  20. How to Share the Gospel Using 5 Questions – The Think Institute: https://thethink.institute/articles/how-to-share-the-gospel-using-5-questions
  21. Here Comes the He Gets Us Campaign Again: Why Its Portrayal of Jesus is Still a Problem | Natasha Crain: https://natashacrain.com/here-comes-the-he-gets-us-campaign-again-why-its-portrayal-of-jesus-is-still-a-problem/
  22. Nancy Pearcey on X (Twitter): Joseph Stalin became an atheist at least in part because of Charles Darwin: https://twitter.com/NancyRPearcey/status/1755073371941818684
  23. Mark D. Linville: does Darwinian evolution make morality rational? | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/02/06/mark-d-linville-does-darwinian-evolution-make-morality-rational-7/
  24. The FACTS of Salvation: A Summary of Theology/the Biblical Doctrines of Grace: https://evangelicalarminians.org/the-facts-of-salvation-a-summary-of-arminian-theologythe-biblical-doctrines-of-grace/
  25. Bible contradiction claims – Skeptics come up with Bible contradiction claims all the time—from the superficially plausible to the supremely preposterous. How do we deal with them? https://creation.com/bible-contradiction-claims
  26. Why Aren’t People Convinced by Facts? | Answers in Genesis – In reality it is not about the facts. When it comes to creation vs. evolution, the age of the earth, or climate change, the issue is not the facts because these facts (just the observable evidence) don’t speak for themselves. They must be interpreted. Because we were not there at the beginning of the universe, we must interpret the evidence from the past to determine what happened. And we interpret the evidence through our worldview: https://answersingenesis.org/worldview/why-arent-people-convinced-by-facts/
  27. Answer Like Jesus. Challenges still abound. Today, His followers face a myriad of tough questions. Our views are not popular and, in fact, are often hated. If we answer a pointed question biblically, it often makes people upset. Perhaps we can take a cue from Jesus. Given that He’s the smartest person in history, why don’t we learn to answer tough questions like He did?: https://www.str.org/w/answer-like-jesus
  28. When God Created Space, Where Did He Put It? (You’ll Be Surprised How Practical That Question Can Be) | Tom Gilson: https://www.thinkingchristian.net/posts/2019/11/god-created-space-where-put-it/

“Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:36-38

Blessings to you all

mid-week apologetics booster (2-1-2024)

Good morning friends,

Here is a random quote (of over 2700) from Nuggets:

What then is the difference between conviction and condemnation? Conviction is like the work of the prosecuting attorney, proving his case against the defendant and exposing his crime. Condemnation is like the judge’s gavel coming down with a final, irreversible verdict of “Guilty!” Conviction says, “You have sinned. Come back to Me!” Condemnation says, “You are guilty. Get away from Me!”  – Dr. Michael Brown  

To view more of these quotes, visit:


Now, here are your weekly links:

  1. ‘Escaping Twin Flames’: Why People are Falling for the Love Cult – Christian Research Institute: https://www.equip.org/articles/escaping-twin-flames-why-people-are-falling-for-the-love-cult/
  2. Would Jesus Use Razor Wire at Borders? Would He Gaslight People with Dishonest ‘WWJD’ Arguments? – The Stream: https://stream.org/would-jesus-use-razor-wire-at-borders-would-he-gaslight-people-with-dishonest-wwjd-arguments/
  3. Objections to the Harvester vs. Gardener Approach – Stand to Reason: https://subsplash.com/standtoreason/media/mi/+vkq5sxb
  4. Are All Religions the Same? Part 1: Cosmic Origins | Knight & Rose Show – Wintery Knight and Desert Rose discuss the view that all religions are equally valid paths to God. We start by talking about what truth is, why truth matters, and the difference between objective and subjective truth claims. We discuss how different religions make different testable truth claims. We look at how different religions answer the question “How did the universe get here?”. And then we look at what science has to say about that question. This is the first episode of a five-part series.: https://knightandrose.podbean.com/e/are-all-religions-the-same-part-1-cosmic-origins/
  5. How to Evangelize Muslims – Cross Examined: https://crossexamined.subspla.sh/n4jmksf
  6. The Deconstruction of Christianity – Cross Examined: https://crossexamined.subspla.sh/gx49v9c
  7. Good news: California loses battle against Christian preschool | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2024/01/30/good-news-gavin-newsom-loses-battle-against-christian-preschool/
  8. Did Jesus Rise From The Dead? – Stand to Reason – This talk was given at Praise Church (praisechurch.tv) in Beaumont, TX. Tim Barnett looks at some of the reasons why he believes Jesus resurrection is the best explanation of the historical evidence.: https://subsplash.com/standtoreason/media/mi/+mzeycxu
  9. Science Doesn’t Say Anything- Scientists Do – Cross Examined: https://crossexamined.org/science-doesnt-say-anything-scientists-do/
  10. Is God Real? Evidence from the Laws of Logic | Cold Case Christianity: https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/is-god-real-evidence-from-the-laws-of-logic/
  11. Human Genome 20th Anniversary – Junk DNA Hits the Trash | The Institute for Creation Research: https://www.icr.org/article/Human-Genome-20th-Anniversary/
  12. List of Factors of Fine-Tuning of Intelligent Life in the Universe: https://www.cltruth.com/2019/factors-fine-tuning-intelligent-life-universe/
  13. Staying calm on social media with disagreements | The Domain for Truth: https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2020/06/05/staying-calm-on-social-media-with-disagreements/
  14. Why did Lot offer up his daughters to be gang raped? Why did God allow Lot’s daughters to later have sex with their father? | GotQuestions.org: https://www.gotquestions.org/Lots-daughters.html
  15. James Warner Wallace on “Is Your Transformational Religious Experience Evidence Enough?” – THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM: https://chab123.wordpress.com/2018/06/10/james-warner-wallace-on-is-your-transformational-religious-experience-evidence-enough/
  16. America’s Founding Fathers Influenced by a Christian Worldview – New York Apologetics – As the founding fathers set up a new government, they started from what scholars consider a Reformed Christian worldview. Of the 54 signers of the Declaration, 29 were ordained ministers, and most of the others were deeply religious men. : https://www.newyorkapologetics.com/americas-founding-fathers-influenced-by-a-christian-worldview/
  17. The Case for the Eyewitness Status of the Gospel Authors | Cold Case Christianity: https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/the-case-for-the-eyewitness-status-of-the-gospel-authors/
  18. Jesus in Islam – The Quran does not say the Bible has been changed. Just the opposite. It honors the Torah and the Bible. It mentions the Torah, the “Zabur” (the Old Testament and Psalms), and the “Injil” (the New Testament) many times. When Islam began in the 7th century, 600 years after Jesus Christ, the Bible was accepted as true.  So, you might ask, has the Bible changed since the 7th century? No. All you have to do is compare today’s Bible with a Bible written long ago: https://www.everystudent.com/wires/jesus-in-islam.html
  19. As Science Frauds Go, Haeckel Beats Piltdown Man | Evolution News: https://evolutionnews.org/2020/11/as-science-frauds-go-haeckel-beats-piltdown-man/
  20. A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding how the Bible was translated when practicing Christian Apologetics – Truth, Faith and Reason: https://truthfaithandreason.com/a-case-for-the-bible-the-importance-of-understanding-how-the-bible-was-translated-when-practicing-christian-apologetics/
  21. Four Truths About the Universe You Can Share with Your Kids to Demonstrate the Existence of God | Cold Case Christianity: https://coldcasechristianity.com/writings/four-truths-about-the-universe-you-can-share-with-your-kids-to-demonstrate-the-existence-of-god/
  22. Should Apologists Quote the Bible When Trying to Prove it? – Josh.org: https://www.josh.org/apologists-quote-bible/
  23. Islam: 3 Reasons Why You Need to Know About it – Think Divinely: https://thinkdivinely.com/islam-3-reasons-why-you-need-to-know-about-it/
  24. DNA Battles – DVD documentary demolishes the deceptive claims of Biologos: https://creation.com/dna-battles
  25. The Jewish Talmud And Its Use For Christian Apologetics – Christian Research Institute: https://www.equip.org/articles/the-jewish-talmud-and-its-use-for-christian-apologetics/
  26. What does it mean to contend for the faith? | OnceDelivered.net: https://oncedelivered.net/2020/12/01/what-does-it-mean-to-contend-for-the-faith-2/
  27. The LGBT endgame is to destroy Christianity – For too long, many Americans have misunderstood the goals of the LGBT community, particularly its activist leaders.  Quarterback Drew Brees came under brutal attack recently for having the audacity to appear in a video encouraging Christian students to bring Bibles to school: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/the-lgbt-endgame-is-to-destroy-christianity/

The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. Matthew 13:20-22

Blessings to you all