mid-week apologetics booster (8-17-2017)

Good morning friends,

Here are your weekly links:

  1. Dear College Freshman: 5 Ways to Stay Strong in the Lord: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/dear-college-freshman-5-ways-to-stay-strong-in-the-lord
  2. You are gods. What did Jesus mean?: http://reasonsforjesus.com/you-are-gods-what-did-jesus-mean/
  3. Former transgender: I bought into the lies of Satan | LifeSite: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/she-tried-to-change-her-gender-but-spiritial-awakening-brought-her-back-to
  4. Is Google right to say that sex differences don’t exist? | WINTERY KNIGHT: https://winteryknight.com/2017/08/12/is-google-right-to-say-that-sex-differences-dont-exist/
  5. William Lane Craig: We must distinguish between a childlike faith and a childish faith: http://www.thepoachedegg.net/the-poached-egg/2017/08/william-lane-craig-we-must-distinguish-between-a-childlike-faith-and-a-childish-faith.html
  6. Comparison Grid of Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Christianity | CARM: https://carm.org/comparison-grid
  7. Epic Failure: My Biggest Evangelism Mistake: http://crossexamined.org/epic-failure-my-biggest-evangelism-mistake/
  8. Time to Think: 14 Christian Apologetics Quotes: http://www.thepoachedegg.net/the-poached-egg/2015/03/time-to-think-14-christian-apologetics-quotes.html
  9. Why Would a Good God Send People To Hell?: http://www.cltruth.com/2017/why-would-a-good-god-send-people-to-hell/
  10. Apologetics ABCs: First Understand, Then Answer | Bowman on Target: Rob Bowman’s Blog: https://robertbowman.net/2017/08/12/apologetics-abcs-first-understand-then-answer/
  11. Were New Testament Books Forged? | Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/is-the-bible-true/were-new-testament-books-forged/
  12. Does God Whisper? Part 2 | Stand to Reason: https://www.str.org/publications/does-god-whisper-part-2#.WZGf4VGGOUk
  13. Was Jesus God?: http://www.godandscience.org/doctrine/was_jesus_god.html
  14. DNA Evidence and Molecular Genetics Disprove the Book of Mormon: http://www.godandscience.org/cults/dna.html
  15. Denying Sola Scriptura: The Attempt to Neutralize the Bible – The American Vision: https://americanvision.org/1239/denying-sola-scriptura-attempt-neutralize-bible/
  16. What Does Mormonism Teach? | CARM: https://carm.org/teachings-of-mormonism
  17. Basic Hinduism | George’s Journal: https://georgesjournal.net/2017/08/14/basic-hinduism/
  18. Are Christians Less Intelligent Than Atheists?: http://crossexamined.org/are-christians-less-intelligent-than-atheists-heres-what-all-those-studies-really-say/
  19. It Is What It Is! and It’s Not What Its Not! Answer to headline stating Discovery of 13 Million-Year-Old Ape Skull Shows What Human Ancestors May Have Looked Like.| Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/blogs/ken-ham/2017/08/15/it-what-it-and-its-not-what-its-not/
  20. Interview With A Former Skeptic: 3 Important Lessons: http://crossexamined.org/interview-with-a-former-skeptic-3-important-lessons/
  21. Jesus: The Begotten of the Father: http://www.equip.org/article/jesus-the-begotten-of-the-father/
  22. What does it mean that Jesus is God’s only begotten son?: https://www.gotquestions.org/only-begotten-son.html
  23. Superior to Angels | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at Ligonier.org: http://www.ligonier.org/learn/devotionals/superior-angels/

This made the Jews ask, “Will he kill himself ? Is that why he says, ‘Where I go, you cannot come’ ?” John 8:22

Blessings to you all

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